(no subject)

Dec 26, 2002 20:13

Shouldn't have had coffee, I never drink it so even a little will speed me up... But that Tall Mocha looked so good at BAM >_< I guess I'll write tonight and sleep tomorrow

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?

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Ah, Orlando is going to be in POTC movie... Loves him much

Are you a hobbit, an elf, a dwarf, an orc, or a man? (Lord of the Rings based)

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Elves are cool

*~*What color best describes you?*~* (now with pictures!!!!)

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Um, okay whatever you say...

another tori amos song quiz

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Yep, this about sums up the past year for me...

Are you a Manic Hispanic?

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This quiz was awful, but to get 100% must mean something about me - eep!

ANIME QUIZ: Which Brother, Dear Brother Character are you?

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FINALLY an Oniisama E quiz... Yay for Saint Juste!

ANIME QUIZ: Which Brother, Dear Brother Character are you?

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And Nanako is cool too ^_~

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