Sinterklaas was really nice-- everyone wrote poems and made gedichten (even me!), ate lots of candy, drank mulled wine, and sang horrible songs. Some of the gedichten were a bit mean-spirited, I thought, but everyone seemed to take it in stride. I'll describe it all in more detail later, but I don't really have time at the moment
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Comments 8
It's actually just a date (my icon, that is)-- the day 11 Ajaw. Nothing too esoteric. :)
Your sinterklaasavond sounds nice:)
Oh and just out of curiosity, how much did you spent on your planeticket? I normally look at for prices, since I have not found any other sites with cheaper flights.. perhaps you can give me the details one day so I can check there for my nextflight as well:)
Vind je deze traditie niet te dwaas?
Het leuke van deze feestdag
Is dat slechte gedichten (zoals deze) gewoon mag.
Als het maar rijmt dan is het goed
Mooiere gedichten mag, maar niet moet.
Nou, ik sluit nu dit gedichtje af
Ik zit hier in de VS, en schrijf een Sint gedicht, wat maf!
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