To not want to do the Ebook thing. I perfer cuddling up to a good book. I stare at screens all day long you know it is so refreshing to do something different. When did we get so lazy as to make something this unnecssary. You know it is so fun hunting for new titles in a store. Now they are going to make it so you can't and you will probley have to
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Comments 2
But I'm with you on the ebook thing. I likes the feel of the pages in my hand and the pictures. I agree with Giles that books have a smell that brings memories of a good book. Kindles and Nooks and iPad are eh so not my thing for casual reading. But if it was for school then hell yeah cause it would be cheaper to get the books you need for class. Bruce and I agree on that one thing on e books. College books should be ebooks. So much cheaper for a student that doesnt want to be carrying a crap load of heavy books.
Thats my 2 cents. :grin:
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