I was finally able to get someone to get the pics off my camera since my computer has decided that connecting to it will cause massive errors. ( see some pics...monkeys and meat )
I hate sleeping in the air conditioning. Seems like I don't get the right type of rest. Like I am sleeping in a hotel under that gross top blanket thing they have. (I am talking about cheap hotels here, Since I never roll too posh
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okay, I have found everyone's favorite new tv show. click and be amazed Now someone needs to tell me why anyone would agree to be on this. The fashion guy? come on guy
whatever to the fourth boss. although I had a good time messing around. today I am sitting on the computer while emily takes a nap and savannah like come over to head butt me every once and while. I took a couple pics at the zoo today. one of a giraffe is funny to me. i will post it up later for whatever fucks look at this piece of shite.