Fold the corners
Homework this weekend, wasn't too bad at all. All I had was a science worksheet. cool. we turned in our english essays, thank god. Those essays were so long and horrible. i hope we don't have to do any oral presentations, but i think we do. ughhh. we have the 2nd off, which is cool. the 4th is my birthday! woo! 11 more days! :)
So Friday night I went to the game and hung out with some people. I talked to Kelly, Lauren, Nick, Chris, Jessica, Brittany, and Caitlan. cool. Heather and Jamie were with them, too. I hung out with Alexa towards the end of the game. woo! oh and I saw Stef, Rachel, and Ryan and talked to them too. I stood with Kyle and Jenn for about 20 minutes and talked to them :) that was fun. Kyle's amazing. haha and we have a new hand shake. hooray :) Michelle came over after the game and we hung outttt. I fell asleep first! weird!!
Saturday morning my mom went to Manassas and my dad & brother went to their hockey practice. We eventually got up and ate some breakfast. So we just hung out until like 3:15 when we left for Tyler's game. We sat up there and then Kara, Michelle, and I walked up into old town and went to The Earthly Paradise and got Starbucks out of the fridge there. haha. and we got Dena and my mom some chai tea. After Tyler's game my mom took us up to Crockett Park for the Avant Garde show. We chilled with Emily for a little, and she asked me to go buy her a pretzel, but the concessions were closed. Michelle and I were bored so we took a walk through one of the paths, and luckily it lead us back to the stage. the show was pretty good. i was entertained. :) Afterwards we went to this cheerleading thing with my mom, we only stayed for about a half hour maybe 45 minutes. It was alright?? I guess. ::shrugs:: Then we hit up Dairy Queen! There were these boys outside and Michelle, Mickey, and I of course all started saying stuff to them because they were climbing on the wall. I was like "did you read the sign that say "please do not climb"?" and my mom was being slow at the car so we were already inside. So she walked by them and they said "Those kids really have an attitude" haha, so my mom told us and I had spotted Meghan! sitting at one of the tables! So I started walking towards her and my mom thought I was going to tell off those kids. hahaha. It was pretty funny because she came chasing after me along with Michelle and Mickey. Meghan says my mom and I look alike :) cool. So we got our food, went home and ate while we watched Cat in the Hat, which is a really awesome movie. I love it. After that I guess we went to bed.
This morning, a woman called because she wanted to know if any of the hockey games were going on and then my mom was calling too, it was annoying. Michelle left around 10 and I have spent my day sitting infront of the computer, doing nothing. Blayne wanted me to come visit him at Target, but my mom is asleep, and I haven't showered. blah.
Fold the corners just for tonight