Dear Yuletide Author...

Oct 13, 2013 14:07

Hi there! Despite all the years I've spent in fandom, I've never actually participated in Yuletide before, so this is new and exciting territory for me! :D

First of all, I'm super excited about this! :D I ramble on about my fandoms a bit further down, but let me absolutely assure you, I will be beyond pleased with whichever fandom you write for!

I do have a pretty significant preference for slash over gen or het, but I'll seriously read anything in that regards! :D I'm also fine with anything from hardcore BDSM to noncon to superfluffy romance to gen curtain!fic, any rating.

I prefer third person POV. My only NO, ABSOLUTELY NOTs are: Major character death, scat, extreme underage (younger than 15 or so), character bashing, bestiality, and unhappy endings.

I have no triggers, really, but I'd like warnings for child endangerment/abuse, just so I know it's coming. I get parental feels from that kinda thing and need to emotionally prepare myself.

Things I adore: BANTER! Snark! Porn, AUs, team building and/or sibling feels, people being badass, people falling in love, meet-cutes, emotional constipation (oh man, why do I love it so much when they have such problems saying "I love you?"), and ALL THE TROPES! Pretend married! Genderswap! 5+1! Fusions! Virgin!fic! ALL the tropes! :D

Now, onto the fandoms:

1. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

I love Benji Dunn and William Brandt the best in the world, and would love any slash with them. How they fall in love post-movie. AU where they meet under different circumstances. Anything!

I'm also a superfan of the idea of the quartet hanging out and getting to know each other! Being buddies! Playing truth and dare or learning which one of them digs the Beatles and which one of them hates carrots. TEAM BUILDING FEELS!

2. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Gretel is my favorite, because she kicks about fifty kinds of ass. I'd love to see anything revolving around her, character study, mission fic where she has to save Hansel's butt, teaching Ben about the witch hunting lifestyle, her relationship with Edward (they're so caring! but not romantic) etc.

OR a fic about her and Hansel and their close relationship (shippy or not) due to their upbringing!

3. Bourne Legacy

I would loooooooove a sometime-in-the-future post movie coda! Something showing Aaron and Marta building a life for themselves. I don't think they'll ever be white picket fence types, but my only hope when the movie ended was that they'd eventually get to breathe. That they wouldn't have to keep running all the time!

4. The Losers

I will read anything with Jake Jensen/Cougar. AU, canon, I don't care. They don't even have to be shippy (though I prefer them in a slash context). I'd read 2674258527 words of them just sitting around snarking at each other.

I also have a particular love for internalized homophobia and hatefucking in this fandom. ^_^;

This is probably the only fandom with an ensemble cast where I prefer the duo (slashy or not) to team building feels, but I certainly won't turn it down, either.

THANK YOU, Yuletide writer! I hope I gave you enough of an idea of what I like? I don't want to be like, "WRITE ME THESE EXACT THINGS TO THESE EXACT SPECIFICATIONS," but I also didn't want to be completely "whatever" wishy washy about it? I hope you can work with this. :) I am SUPER EXCITED for my first Yuletide! Thank you once again, and I hope your Yuletide is great! :D

Original post at Comment wherever you like, whee!


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