graduation and garage sales, hell yeah.

May 16, 2008 12:08

graduation was a blip. name called. walked across. got diploma. left. the whole ceremony took only 2.5 hours. went to the english dept. champagne toast afterward, though there weren't nearly as many people there as i'd hoped. man. my time at butler is done. i keep thinking about when i have to go back, how i'm going to negotiate the construction on hwy. 30 on the way to merrillville, but i don't have to do that any more. hmm. still digesting this. i love school way too damn much. i also miss the community there, and i resent this nagging feeling i have that it disintegrated the moment we all left. i know it didn't; it's simply that four years in unbelievably close proximity with wonderful friends has spoiled me. pip, pip, i say, to traveling to see loved ones. but i suppose it must be done.

anyway, on a happier, scroungier note, i spent $33.10 at yard sales today. here begins the tale of my haul:

1 set of corelle dishes (six of: big plates, small plates, bowls, and cups, along with a platter) - $7.50
1 skillet - $2
1 coffee mug covered in puppies (for when i'm at purdue missing scoob, carbunkle, and chloe) - 50 cents
six actual glasses (hooray for graduating from plastic) - 60 cents
1 simpsons duff beer cap (with tags still attached, mind you) - 50 cents
2 revereware copper-bottomed saucepans (these sell for $20-30 new) - $4
1 DARTH VADER VOICE CHANGER (i initially thought this was just a full-scale helmet, which was badass enough in and of itself, but it has a mike and a voice-changer, too. though i'm thinking about gutting that and having the helmet sit on a shelf.) - $3
two nintendo wavebirds (i flipped out when i saw these, and they both work beautifully) - $15


on monday, my dad and i are headed down to lafayette to check out property and apartments. hopefully a good deal can be found in the appointments we have scheduled.

received my TA packet from purdue. apparently we get to choose books? this is news to me. more developments to follow.
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