Well they used to.
Yeah. This week on Discovery channel is Shark Week. It sort of sparked my interest but at first I wasn't even looking for what I've found and was tyring to find a track from Pirates of the Carribean called "the Kraken" on YouTube and another video off to the side said "Megalodon".
So, wondering what that was all about I clicked the
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Comments 2
Megaladon is such a cutie. <3 Do you know the odds of being attacked by a shark are about infinity-to-one as long as your on land? True fact!! XD Sharks should be the least of your concern. Parasites, however . . . Over 90% of Americans contract parasites at some point. Isn't that disgusting? The odds of being attacked by a shark are 1 in 8 million, and being killed by one is almost unheard of. You have a better chance of dying while falling down the stairs. e__e BUT YOU'LL PROBABLY FALL DOWN THE STAIRS BECAUSE THE TAPEWORMS WILL BE IN YOUR BRAIN. ;___; *weepweep* Do not want.
Just never swim in shark infested waters! That's the best advice I've got.
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