At Bill's...

Feb 07, 2009 22:39

Went to Rachel's yesterday. It was pretty awesome. I love her and Mike and Miles and Banana-head! We totally need to hang more often ^o^

Jamie cancelled with the sisters for Sunday. Go figure. She makes me so mad. She's a clone, a mini Sherry in the making. She has the most twisted views in the world and she never listens to a word I say. Her ex-boyfriend, well now current boyfriend, wanted me to try and get her to date him again told me that she valued my opinion so highly. I don't know where he got this from because if she valued my opinion so much then how come she doesn't listen to it. Ever.

She was with b/f 1 and he got her to do some Internet videos and begged her to become a stripper. So she does these things because she's an idiot who can't tell boys no. Then she dated b/f 2, who is a bouncer at her strip club. She cheats on b/f 1 for about a week, then tells him about it. They break up. She statys at b/f 2's house all the time. Which I don't think is healthy. If you're just dating someone you shouldn't sleep at their house 7 nights a week and buy groceries together like you're effing living together, that is just stupid. But she does it anyways. She'll date boys for like a week and think it's okay that they live together. Well, she broke up with b/f 2 after b/f 1 went and dated one of their friends to make her jealous. After she got back with him he told her he only did it to hurt her and she got mad at him and broke up with him and went back to b/f 2. She tells me that b/f 2 proposed to her and crap and that she brok eup with him and is now back with b/f 1. Which is why she ditched us for this Sunday. She went to Ohio to play some stupid game where you shoot each other with BB Guns. I'm like, you ditched us for that shit? She's such a stupid little bitch face.

I told her on the phone that she should just try being single, because she did all this bouncing around in like less than a month's worth time. She told me no, that she and b/f 1 have an understanding. I'm like, he's the one who begged you to do all this stuff that you said you weren't even comfortable with anyways. Why are you even giving him the time of day? But no, they have an "understanding." And he was pretty much living with her before, so no doubt he will again now that they are back together. I wonder how long it'll last this time.

She then told me that she stayed with b/f 2 because it was convienant for work because they'd just go into work together. Then she told me she lost her wallet. I bet either someone at work stole it or b/f 2 stole it. Because she broke up with him and still stayed at his house even though she said now that they are broken up he's turned into a douchebag. The stupid idiot that she is, all her money was in that wallet. She didn't have time to go to a bank, she says, and then she goes and keeps it all in her wallet. She's such a fucking idiot.

I told her you don't date someone because it's convienant. Her response was "Why not?" I told her she was one of the most digusting people I knew. She told me that she didn't date b/f 2 because it was convienant. She wanted to try something new and they clicked. One, I told her I didn't care if it didn't start off as convienance. I told her the problem was I told her she doesn't date people because it's convienant and her response was "why not" which mean she obviously thinks it's okay to do. I think she did date b/f 2 for convienance. Maybe not at first but I really think that's why she stayed with him.

She's just like her mother. She can't ever be single. She'll stay with a boy long after she's been done liking them until a new boyfriend comes along. Her boyfriends are always confused when she does this because they think she likes them and everything is good and then the next day she breaks up with them for a new guy and that doesn't work out so she goes back to the old one. I wish she'd find guys who weren't fucking nuts or stupid. I wish she'd date guys who won't put up with her stupid bull shit.

Also on this phone conversation, I asked her if she went to get information on getting a GED like she was supposed to do weeks ago. She says she's going to stop stripping after she gets her GED and she has no good reason why she won't get a new job and her GED at the same time. She told me no, because b/f 2 was suppose dto take her but he isn't anymore because she broke up with him. So I told her to go by her damned self. She said well, b/f 1 will take her. I told her to just go by her damned self and be independent for once in her life. She can't be depending on these assholes that she keeps dating. She was like, well b/f 1 says I'm too dependent and he wants me to be more independent. I was like, then tell him to not fucking take you to get your GED and to tell you to go your damned self! She also hasn't gotten her birth control because she won't go into town alone. I asked her if she got them yet, and she said no. Like I knew she would.

*bangs my head off the wall* She's an idiot. She's digusting. She's turning into Sherry. I'll still try to help/talk to her but I've given up on her. She's a user. She uses everyone in her life and everyone around her. She's going to end up like Sherry. She's going to get old and then be friendless because she screws everyone over that no one is going to want to be her friend. She makes me so mad because she thinks her life is great right now and there is nothing wrong with it. She's so happy. She thinks giving b/f 1 another chance is a good idea. She then said something about giving Sherry another chance was also the right thing to do.

I hate it when she tries to do that preachy shit with me. Delete. I just deleted some sentences because they were not very nice and filled with lots of not nice words. I get so worked up over this. I hate that Jamie is turning out just like Sherry. I hate that she thinks Sherry is some different/changed person when she's not. If she was, then why didn't she contact me? Why didn't she call me? Why didn't she write me? If she was really sorry for what she did to us and she was really a changed person then why didn't she try to apologize to me? Exactly. Exactly my point. But no Jamie doesn't see it that way. I read an old AIM convo between us where she said me and my older sisters had sticks up our ass for not giving Sherry a second chanced. Really. FUCKING REALLY? After everything that woman did and put us through, she really thinks WE ARE being ass holes?


I just need to accept that Jamie is a moron and she's lost. I won't be surprised when she's knocked up, having babies, being a drunk who does nothing but drugs all day using men just for their money, their car, their convienance. I'm so done hoping that she'll change. I'm so done hoping she'll get her life on track. She's on a downward spiral and every time I think *maybe* she'll get better. or *maybe* she's changing I find out that she's only getting deeper into the the rut she's gotten herself into.

Steffi. I love Steffi. I have hope for her. I feel so close to her, like one of her best friends. I hope we can keep that up. She's found a good group of friends it sounds like, like I did when I was in middle school. It was something Jamie never really had (and if she continues acting the way she does she'll never have) I can only hope that she will be okay. I am a little worried for when Stan gets out of jail. I think that's in 2 years. We'll have to see how things go when he gets out. I hope it doesn't change anything between us. I love her so much. I love Jamie too, but I really think she's a lost cause.

Please, Jamie. Prove me wrong. Please?

Wow. Well this turned into some long rant that I didn't think it would turn into. It really makes me legitematelky sad though. Not as upset as it seems to make Sharon though. Lisa man, she seems the stronger of us all. She seems to be able to control her emotions better, the true mother figure of the sisters *laughs* If we got together with Jamie I think Lisa wanted to talk to her alone first. Because Sharon is very emotional and will get upset and flip out easily and I? I just get ANGRY. Jamie makes me SO angry. So I mean, we'll have Sharon being super emotional and me just angry as hell. And Lisa totally knows that's how it'd play out >_<

I <3 them.
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