Dec 06, 2005 11:25
Hi everyone,
I am still at Oxford and still alive, but can't internet from here anymore, have been throzn off the netzork because my comp is not registered,,, sniff :s, am really sorry, miss you all!!! Will be back on friday!!! UBER CUDDLE!
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Comments 14
I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, " Star Trek Voyager: Kathryn Janeway " has gone past its 10-week deadline and extension (from 10/02 until 1/04). I noticed that you last posted new icons on 12/30, and that you have 50 icons left to go.
Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (link listed below))? Please let me know, regardless of the answer, so I'll know whether or not to remove your claim from the subject claims list ( ). If I don't hear back from you by 1/11, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the subject that you hold, " Star Trek Voyager: Kathryn Janeway " has gone past its 10-week deadline and extension (from 10/02 until 1/25). I noticed that you last posted new icons on 12/30, and that you have 50 icons left to go.
Do you still want to make icons for this topic (in which case, you'll need to request an extension at the subject claims list (link listed below))? Please let me know, regardless of the answer, so I'll know whether or not to remove your claim from the subject claims list ( ). If I don't hear back from you by 2/01, I'll assume you're no longer interested and remove you from that claim.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
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