watz up? 2day i took a long walk around places dont actually no where kinda lost even though we no where we goin rite mal! lol and then we went 2 kerrys talked and walked home my brither got a fish from da fair and it died on da way home wat a jk and he cried da loser! and thats about it! vanessa
well 2day woz jks me and hana went 2 da park and dis well ugly guy asked 4 her number (u member hana lol) and he woz soo ewww we ran away lol and i recovered from da duck incidence lol apart from that i ad a hard exam english and i so failed it but shit happens lol bi vanessa xxx
well 2day i kinda fell over chasing sum ducks i wanted 2 catch 1 and play with it lol. well hana throw a bangel into da pond @ the ducks it kinda reminded me of about a boy lol wat a jk! er... does every1 no bout me fallin over hana? who av u told lol? well i gota go revise now yup im goin er.. wats happening sat by da way? bi
well hey 2day i actually got a job (yes sumbody employed me) lol and i done my first exam it woz IT it didnt go well but shit happens lol im well bored so plp comment so i can read it kl!but im a bit upset my fish died :( tc vanessa xxx
hey well 2day iz gr8 i just ordered myself my drum kit!!!! and went out 2 da pub it woz er.... intersting... and thats it really well im goin 2 make room 4 my kit wen it arrives c ya vanessa xxx
hey 2day been ok its been raining and i love da rain and even better thunder !!! er... wat have i done oh yeah i mite av a job and thats about it. well gota go................... and so it will continue unless i get hit by a bus. i no u prob wont read this but i wana say thanks polly and zoe!!!
well 2day woz another shit day, didnt do much but i got my drums 2day yeah!!! well thats bout all no nuthin u can comment on really iz there hana or 2 bitch about megan! heehee