Written for
100originalfics And
beginnings Title: First Meeting
’Verse: Servants Journals
Characters: Maggie/Joseph
Prompt: #85 She
Beginnings Challenge #50 “If only it would stop raining”
Word Count: 500
Rating: g
Notes: Two challenges from the same story. Hope that’s okay.
Step back a few hundred years and meet Maggie, Josephs sire.
More about Joseph and the Servants Universe are in my lj.
“If only it would stop raining.” Maggie groused, her red curls starting to droop from the humidity in the air. “I only just got here.” She stood trapped under the hastily erected tarps covering the wine seller’s stall until the rain let up enough for her to leave without getting soaked. She watched as the other venders closed their stalls and packed up their goods. It looked like this year’s Harvest festival was over. The musicians, not yet ready to end the party just because night had fallen and it was raining outside had packed their instruments and headed for the pub.
Maggie knew she could join the party at the pub. It would have easy hunting there, but the heat and stink of that many humans in a small space was not what Maggie had been in the mood for. She had wanted to find a handsome man and dance with him in the torch light under the harvest moon before leading him into the dark to sate her hungers.
Three old men uncaring of the weather were sitting at one of the tables the wine merchant had set up, quietly getting drunk. They didn’t notice the beautiful woman pouting at the rain. She crossed her arms and 'harrumphed' in disgust at their lack of attention. Then she heard someone chuckel. Spinning around she saw the man behind the counter was clearly looking at her with more than a passing interest. He had brown eyes and sandy blond hair pulled into a stubby tail at the back of his neck. She was a sucker for blonds, especially ones with broad shoulders and smoldering eyes.
He offered her a cup of wine from a barrel behind him. “Don’t mind them, my lady. They'er so blind they can not see past the end of their fingertips.” His fingers linger on her hand just a little longer than they needed to when he handed her the cup. The heat from his finger felt like living fire on her cold hand. This night was definitely looking better. “I’m sure if they could see the vision I see, they would be enchanted too.” He flirted.
“And have I enchanted you Sire?” Maggie purred.
“Most assuredly. You have made me your most devoted knight. ”
“Lucky for me to have enchanted so handsome a knight.”
Just then a boy came running out of the rain splattering them with rain drops as he dropped the large oiled canvas he’d been holding over his head.
“Sorry I’m late, Master Joseph.”
Joseph took the canvas from the boy, “Can your knight rescue you from the rain and see you safely home?”
“I would be delighted, my most handsome enchanted knight to eventually let you take me home.”
Joseph told the boy not to pack away the booth until the three old codgers were gone or passed out whichever came first. He held the canvas over his and Maggie’s heads and let her guide him out into the night.