Written for
100originalfics Title:What You Deserve
’Verse: Servants Journals
Characters: Joseph, Shine
Prompt: 16 Purple
Word Count:249
Rating:PG15 for adult themes and some language
Notes: this is a rewrite for the prompt, purple. The first one was one of the first few I wrote for the
100originalfics, I could not figure out what Shine had done to warrant being punished. When I finally figured it out the prompt needed to be written.
Shine looked in the mirror at the bright purple bruise on his cheek, barely holding back tears of shame. He’d been lucky that Joseph had only struck him the one time; he would have been within his rights to do a lot more after the way Shine had screwed up. It was bad enough that he had forgotten that Joseph had told him to be home when he woke that evening, but to have forgotten the request and come home hours late and piss assed drunk? Joseph could have beaten him senseless then and there, but he hadn’t. He hadn’t said or done anything that night.
Shine had had a terrible hangover when he woke the next morning. And he also had all the rest of the day to anticipate what Joseph was going to do to him.
That night when the sun set Shine waited for his master on his knees; ready to beg for forgiveness and take his punishment.
Joseph had slapped him hard enough to knock him off his knees and flat on the floor. Awkwardly Shine had climbed back to his knees and prepared for another blow. But Joseph didn’t touch him again. Instead he’d turned and walked out of the house without another word, leaving Shine alone on his knees on the floor in the dark. Oddly that had hurt Shine more than the slap had. He knew that his master thirsted, but Joseph had walked out on him, refusing that night to take his servants blood.