its after midnight and i cant freekin finish my lab report. seriously i have like SENTENCES left, not even a full paragraph and i feel so done with it. i just wanna stop. after ten pages, you just get tired of it ya know? the whole thing is gonna be like 50 though with all my raw data, graphs and tables and stuff like that. so im taking a brak
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Comments 5
an0ny aka "th3 hunt3d 0ne"
(but y0u f0rg0t 0n3 thing...i'm v3ry fast,v3ry slick/sn33ky/squ33333ky & can hid3 insid3 walls...L0L!! s0 i d0n't kn0w h0w y0u plan 0n catching m3...unl3ss with p0is0n b00bi3-traps making it l00k lik3 r3ally ch33z3, but actually d3ath in disquis3?!?!! nahhhhhh, i'd 3xp3ct that...g00dluck (n0w a cat cr3ature i gu3ss-sinc3 y0u didn't chang3 y0ur ic0n :( j/k hahah!!
SQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUUUU3333333333333333333333K...and i am...........0ffffffffffff!!
...and trust me, not all biomeds are brains =( *sniff sniff*
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