Shortbread is like crack for me. I can't have one. Once I open the packet I have to eat the whole lot and I think about buying more. It's the fat-sugar-wheat combo that does it. Ah well, another food to add to the 'Do Not Buy' list.
Wow! A day of upheaval at work. A whirlwind of change has blown through the college. Some of the changes I am happy to see but I hope that things work out okay for those caught unawares. It will be an interesting week.
I am having a great weekend. It's so quiet! The weather is great too. I love this time of year - summer's mostly over and I have 4 or 5 months of colder weather to look forward to. Matt and I have the house to ourselves during the days this weekend which is quite out of the ordinary. Next weekend promises to be much the same.