So, I ended up kicking that sickness just intime for the Solstice and the big pre-Christmas family get-together. But I was still doomed for Christmas itself, apparently. My brother brought a horrendous stomach virus with him when he came up on Christmas Eve. It had him in it's grips all over the night between and left him a ragdoll for Christmas. Unfortunately, it passed on to me, so Christmas morning I woke up, snuck down stairs to start putting my husband's poker/domjat(sp?)mini-pool table together and got waylaid and then laid out for the entire day.
I completely missed Christmas.
Except for the end of the night when I was tricked!!! I thought I was appearing to quick wave goodbye and apologize for spending the day in the bathroom hurling and thank my mom for helping my husband out when I was thrown into a chair and photographed opening my gifts... XDD I felt so bad, I was so miserable, everyone was afraid I hated what I'd gotten because even though I said the right things I was so lackluster... >.< But I really did make out like a bloody bandit.
I just wish I'd gotten to actually be there for my daughter's first real and proper Christmas where she actually understood what was up and was singing Carols and having so much fun!and getting so spoiled rotten!! But my parents went extra photo crazy for me to make up for it and so did my husband. By all accounts the gifts we had gotten everyone went over very well.
((I was really ecstatic to find out that the day after Christmas my grandmother was wearing the earrings I had gotten her. They were a very lucky find! They are red rose studs, but carved from a red coral that only grows off the coast of Italy. -Yes, this is my Italian grandmother, the other died long ago.- Oh, and her name is Rose and my grandfather, who died this past year, had always called her Red for the colour of her hair. She hasn't been the same since Grandpa died. Not in that "she's gone loopy way" she's still well-grounded in reality, but she's the last of her generation alive in the family. She seems, quite often, like she just wants to give up. So, whenever someone gives her something(especially something nice) she tends to say that they shouldn't have and to mean it. That she liked and is actually wearing the earrings actually really perked me up when my mom called and told us.))
So, back to the...sickness...*headdesk* So, I started to feel better and VIOLA! My daughter contracts the virus too! Which, aside from being horrible because it's the first time she's ever gotten sick and she was so miserable and the poor thing cried everytime she threw up, she was like a kitten...she had no concept of aim for the bucket or run for the I got thrown up on quite a bit and...subsequently ended up sick again. >.< So, finally today! Everyone in the house is doing better. *collapses*
So, if anyone has been wondering where I've been, there yah go. I'm sorry your card will be coming so late Lil! Everything this holiday just got...fucked up. Amazingly...
I'll blog again about the gifts I got, cause I'm really quite squeeingly happy about them, but the tone of this blog, not counting the side story of the gift we gave Grandma doesn't seem to fit much with happilly extolling the virtues of gift giving and getting.
Hoping that everyone else's holidays went hella better than mine!!