Title: The hidden mask OC name: Putri? Member you want: Chinen Yuri Personality/Likes & Dislikes: Smart, Cunning, antisocial, awkward? Plot/Story line: So yeah basically the OC kills someone chinen loves. People would never suspect her because she is quiet and does as she is told. She never misbehaves. However Chinen is suspicious. So he investigates the murder. You know how Chinen mind works very analytic. In the end the OC kills him. Well, you can add emotions like angst, thrill or even bed scene romance. It's up to you~ Anything you would like me to include: Noted that the OC is older than Chinen, thank you...
Dear neteimasu, I hardly know you... but your offer is interesting ne. Nobody ever accepted my FF request*some did, good friend* so yeah i would totally jump out from the roof when i see you posting it
( ... )
Title: (up to you) OC name: Natsuru sakurai Member you want: yamada and inoo Personality/Likes & Dislikes:smart, kind, caring, cute/like: strawberry pudding/dislike: (bitter) medicine Plot/Story line: sakurai is junior apperentice in a hospital, she help handicap patient in their therapy, one of the patient is yamada, because traumatic from accident he have, yamada become mute and paralyzed, when sakurai helps yamada, yamada finds out that his caring nurse is someone he love the most, while dr inoo have the same feeling towards sakurai. Anything you would like me to include: (up to you too)
mm....i want to make a twist here...so Sakurai become yamada and inoo's girlfriend (with the 2 of them knowing it ^^) it's a happy ending fyi ;) thank you ^^
I got a bit confused with 'the 2 of them knowing it'. Uhm, does that mean Sakura is in a relationship with Inoo and Yamada with the 2 of them knowing it? That's a bit hard though. B)
Ah, gomen gomen~~~ Dream catchers look like this: http://my-funspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/290157.jpg They keep the good dreams in the string of the webs and the bad dreams get caught in the wholes of the web.<---this is only one of the many beliefs of dream catchers.
Title: Home Date OC name: Aiko Sanu Member I would like: Chinen Yuri or Yuto~! you can chooose i dont care :3 Personality: outgoing, talkative, stubborn, easily hurt or otherwise sensitive? Likes: bread. all food but is allergic to seafood. likes puppys and likes cute things and taking pictures and likes cooking! Dislikes: sour stuff and peas Plot/Story line: Aiko and (which ever member) are penpals and Aiko lives in San Francisco. They become good friends over letters and Aiko in this coming summer gets to go to japan as an exchange student and gets to meet your penpal and have them as a guide. Aiko meets (which ever member) and realizes that she likes him. Every chance she gets alone time with him she attempts to confess. He just isnt seeing it. Anything else: Happy ending PLEASE~!
Comments 25
OC name: Putri?
Member you want: Chinen Yuri
Personality/Likes & Dislikes: Smart, Cunning, antisocial, awkward?
Plot/Story line: So yeah basically the OC kills someone chinen loves. People would never suspect her because she is quiet and does as she is told. She never misbehaves. However Chinen is suspicious. So he investigates the murder. You know how Chinen mind works very analytic. In the end the OC kills him. Well, you can add emotions like angst, thrill or even bed scene romance. It's up to you~
Anything you would like me to include: Noted that the OC is older than Chinen, thank you...
Dear neteimasu, I hardly know you... but your offer is interesting ne. Nobody ever accepted my FF request*some did, good friend* so yeah i would totally jump out from the roof when i see you posting it ( ... )
OC name: Natsuru sakurai
Member you want: yamada and inoo
Personality/Likes & Dislikes:smart, kind, caring, cute/like: strawberry pudding/dislike: (bitter) medicine
Plot/Story line: sakurai is junior apperentice in a hospital, she help handicap patient in their therapy, one of the patient is yamada, because traumatic from accident he have, yamada become mute and paralyzed, when sakurai helps yamada, yamada finds out that his caring nurse is someone he love the most, while dr inoo have the same feeling towards sakurai.
Anything you would like me to include: (up to you too)
The plot is interesting though. B)
(with the 2 of them knowing it ^^)
it's a happy ending fyi ;)
thank you ^^
Uhm, does that mean Sakura is in a relationship with Inoo and Yamada with the 2 of them knowing it? That's a bit hard though. B)
But I got a bit confused with the 'dream catcher'. lol
Please tell me what is that all about. B(
Ah, gomen gomen~~~
Dream catchers look like this: http://my-funspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/290157.jpg
They keep the good dreams in the string of the webs and the bad dreams get caught in the wholes of the web.<---this is only one of the many beliefs of dream catchers.
Hope that helped a bit more^^
It's interesting! I'll be working on this after the first requested oneshot. ^^
OC name: Aiko Sanu
Member I would like: Chinen Yuri or Yuto~! you can chooose i dont care :3
Personality: outgoing, talkative, stubborn, easily hurt or otherwise sensitive?
Likes: bread. all food but is allergic to seafood. likes puppys and likes cute things and taking pictures and likes cooking!
Dislikes: sour stuff and peas
Plot/Story line: Aiko and (which ever member) are penpals and Aiko lives in San Francisco. They become good friends over letters and Aiko in this coming summer gets to go to japan as an exchange student and gets to meet your penpal and have them as a guide. Aiko meets (which ever member) and realizes that she likes him. Every chance she gets alone time with him she attempts to confess. He just isnt seeing it.
Anything else: Happy ending PLEASE~!
hehe good luck~!
<3 Dani
Btw, about the member, I would choose Chinen if you don't mind.
Thanks for requesting!
Btw, I'm Hannah B) lol what can I call you?
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