Our official new activity rules are that every character must do two entries/threads of relative substance ICly each month. Comment to this post once a month with links to activity for all your characters. For organizational purposes, please don't group your characters together into one comment; sign into their respective journals to post their activity.
Activity cycles reset on the 1st, at which time the comments for this entry will be cleared out and any character unaccounted for is removed from the game. With one-month cycles there's no more "warned" period, but if you comment to the removal post with activity posted in that cycle, it can be edited to save you. The amount of activity you need in a given space of time to avoid getting the boot remains constant compared to the old system.
If you go on hiatus, comment here with a notification of that instead of your activity. You can still post to the comm to announce your absence and avoid inconveniencing other players, but for a hiatus to be counted officially, it has to come here. The only hiatus length limit under the new rules is that to get out of one cycle, you have to post activity normally for the next one. You are also exempt from the activity check if you join the game in the second half of a month. Newcomers won't be ejected.
What Counts:
--An entry that you can actually in good conscience count as an entry--no one-sentence copouts
--A thread in which you commented more than five times EDIT: The thread can't be part of an entry of your own that you already linked, it has to be in a separate post; and it's three or more comments of your own.
--An Assembly bill
--A log
--A hiatus comment here
What Doesn't Count:
--Making it incredibly obvious you're just doing the bare minimum
--Cave of Ordeals threads--they're done ICly, but with next to nothing in the way of actual interaction
--Any other OoC comment