#6 is the greatest movie of all time, aka FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF.
And #3 is driving me insane. I can place the voice or accent -- it's Middle Eastern/Arab. Given the context, he (and it is definitely a he) is talking to someone from the West. Argh . . . I'll guess SYRIANA.
#7 is L.A. CONFIDENTIAL. James Cromwell talking to Kevin Spacey, I think.
#3 -- got irritated with myself because I couldn't remember and cheated it and looked it up. And was surprised. And mildly relieved that I just gave in because I wouldn't have gotten it -- barely remember the movie -- how I remember that line is beyond me . . .
Comments 5
#6 is the greatest movie of all time, aka FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF.
And #3 is driving me insane. I can place the voice or accent -- it's Middle Eastern/Arab. Given the context, he (and it is definitely a he) is talking to someone from the West. Argh . . . I'll guess SYRIANA.
#7 is L.A. CONFIDENTIAL. James Cromwell talking to Kevin Spacey, I think.
6. Aw yeah-best comedy evarrrrr.
7. You got it!
3. No-but you are right with the accent.....and the context....
5. Superman II (spoken by Zod as portrayed by Mr. Terrence Stamp)
8. Raising Arizona
9. Princess Diaries II: Judgment Day
10. Blow
2. Nada.
3. Sorry bud.
4. Ha ha ha-I'd love it.
5. Never even saw that one...so no.
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