At the same time
bsg_pornbattle launches its
Porn Battle, Google alerts spit out news of
Maxim giving us half-naked Cylons or
Tricia Helfer and Grace Park in very small outfits. The simultaneity is fun, I’m less amused by the cheap porn promo. The girls are sure pretty and this might up the sales for The Plan, but they’re not even as sexy as my Cylons used to be.
And I don’t even know what to think about this: Notice how all the female Cylon models are quite attractive and the males ... aren't quite. For the females, we have Grace Park, Tricia Helfer, Lucy Lawless, Rekha Sharma and Kate Vernon (who is older, but still quite the knockout). On the male side there are more attractive male-model types (Callum Rennie and Michael Trucco, most notably), but we also have folks like Dean Stockwell, Michael Hogan and Aaron Douglas. When will the latter three be posing for Maxim? Nice of them to quote Callum as one of the two attractive male model types (very), but I don’t like how they’re dissing or forgetting the others. *cranky* All male Cylons should be posing for Maxim anyway.
On a completely (mostly) unrelated note, I just came upon
tidbit about John Wakefield:
The History of Wakefield grandmother who was a considered a witch and drowned in 1938.
Googling the old lady just gives me Jail for Wakefield grandmother who smuggled heroin into prison. No link to Eastwick.*shrugs* Do I need to watch all of Harper’s Globe to find out more? *I don’t think so*
this would be Gramps Wakefield?
Wakefields = 1, Cylons = 0