
May 29, 2006 20:24

First Best Friend: Paul Schaffert
First real kiss: Lauren
First real break-up: Piper
First screen name: pyschochimp568
First self-purchased album: I think a Dizzy Gillespie album, but im not sure.
First funeral: My pal Adam (died of leukemia in 2nd grade :( )
First pets: none, surprisingly (though the neighbor's dog Clyde was pretty close)

First piercing/tattoo: none/none
First true love: Nothing yet
First enemy: This annoying kid whos mashed mud in my face in pre-k
First big trip: Went to the boardwalk in san diego with my fam when i was little
Last cigarette: bleck, not puttin that shit in my body
Last car ride: drove to improv last night
Last kiss: Nevena in DC
Last good cry: i rarely cry, and im going to omit the answer because it may hurt some people
Last movie seen: gladiator
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: a hot dog (actually like 7 of em and a burger)
Last crush: I crushed my brother at ping pong today :P
Last phone call: jacob
Last time showered: last night
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last item bought: food at ycs
Last annoyance: my evo paper

Last time wanting to die: never really WANTED to
Last time scolded: all day today about not doing my paper earlier

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. Who are your best friends?: a bunch of people :P
02. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nopes

s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs?: nope
02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: whatever is in the shower
03. what are you most scared of?: totally screwing something up and bees
05. who is the last person that called you?: jacob
06. where do you want to get married?: under the wtf?
07. how many buddies are online right now?: 43
08. what would you change about yourself?: less tactless, better looking, buffer

f a v o r i t e s
01. color: Black
02. food: grilled shrimp/sushi
03. name, boy: jason
04. name, girl: emily
05. subjects in school: history from phillips and martin
06. animals: ferret
07. sports: basketball
08. perfume: anything that smells good
09. cologne: anything that smells good

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath?: no
02. smoked?: no
03. bungee jumped?: no
04. made yourself throw up?: !!
05. skinny-dipped?: myself in my own pool alone
06: ever been in love?: not true love, that takes time, but really bein infatuated, yes
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: that would get me in more trouble
08. pictured your crush naked?: why not?
09. actually seen your crush naked?: No, not really.
10. cried when someone died?: yea
11. lied?: more than i should
12. fallen for your best friend?: no...
13. been rejected?: lotsa times
14. rejected someone?: yes
15. used someone?: yep
16. done something you regret?: uh, duh?

c u r r e n t
clothes: shorts and a shirt
music: Alice in chains
smell: liek deodorant
favorite artist: not sure
favorite group: dream theater
desktop picture: a cat trapped in a grating
cd in player: Warcraft 3 :P

l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: myself :P (NO NOT IN THAT WAY!)
you hugged: mom
you imed: crane

a r e | y o u
understanding: think so
open-minded: try to be
arrogant: yea, sometimes, more than i want to be
interesting: yea
hungry: after eating a burger and 7 hot dogs would you be?
smart: people tell me i am
moody: sometimes
hardworking: heh.
organized: in life, schedule, school, no. in debate, yes
healthy: better han the debate team thinks
shy: yea, tryin to beat it
attractive: depends who you ask
bored easily: depends how i feel
responsible: probably not
obsessed: sometimes
angry: not usually, only at certain things
sad: rarely, i look on the bright side of life
disappointed: sometimes
happy: usually
hyper: yeah, sometimes
trusting: too trusting
talkative: if i know you
legal: no

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
slap: a few jerks and uptight people
get high with: a good band ina jam
look like: like whatever who i like thinks is hot
talk to offline: nevena
talk to online: nobody atm

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or Pepsi: neither
flowers or candy: candy of course
tall or short: tallish but not too tall

r a n d o m
what do you notice first: face and hair
last person you slow danced with: i dont like to slow dance, dont remember
worst question to ask: do you want to touch my weiner
who makes you laugh the most: nobody in particular
who makes you smile: people who do funny things
who do you have a crush on: nobody atm
who has a crush on you: i woudnt know, im oblivious

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: once
of hearts i have broken: no idea
of girls I’ve kissed: seriously? bleah, not as many as i want to (2)
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: hmm dunno
of cds i own: real cds? not many.
of scars on my body: two

f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
01. gold or silver: silver
02. what was the last film you saw at the movies: thank you for smoking
03. favorite cartoon: Simpsons
04. what did you have for breakfast this morning: ramen
05. who would you love being locked in a room with: someone chick thats hot and horny
06. could you live without your computer: lol, no
07. would you color your hair: maybe
08. could you ever get off the computer: now, yeah for a bit.
09. habla espanol: si, un poco
10. drink alcohol: no
11. like watching sunrises or sunsets: sunsets, maybe, sunrises, fuck no
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