Cross-posted to Settlers of Catan

Oct 13, 2005 12:52

Location : Edinburgh Online Name : rorschach Preferred variants : Four Player, Six Player I've been playing Catan for about seven years and have played approximately one thousand games. These days I try to get in at least one game a week, on average.

Last night we played the most rules testing game I have played in a long while. Subjects that came up included:
  • Can you trade for played soldiers to increase your Largest Army size?
  • Can you play Dev Cards on the same go as you have traded for them as they were not built that go?
  • We usually play that if you trade for a Dev Card that has just been built when it's not your go you can use it on your next go even if that's immediately following the go of the person who built it.
  • If a Longest Road is broken and there is then a draw for Longest Road do the points go to the person who achieved the road of the shorter length first, the person who previously had longest road or noone?
We also had the potential for someone (me, as it happens) to break a longest road, and therefore give it to someone who was already on 8 points, and gain 10 points themselves thus creating a draw. This is a situation I have never seen in Catan despite, as I say, having played around 1,000 games and having played in tournaments as well as online.

board games

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