germanbishounen has been hosting a debate on whether the accusations made in a
New scientist article were justified. The debate has become quite heated. Due to what I assume is an oversight I am not currently able to post my latest response to
the thread. I am therefore posting it here.
My response )
Comments 2
Going back to the original debate (I am unable to comment on that page since it is friends-locked), the claim I find least believeable is that if it weren't for Roche's work, the drug would not even exist. Scientists will tell you that parallel invention is incredibly common in science; if Roche didn't invent this drug, some other lab would have, probably within just a couple of years.
My own views are that property rights are important, but the right to life is far more so. If it is a choice between one person getting rich from their work, or one person surviving an otherwise deadly disease, I know whose side I'd come down on.
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