*waves* Say hello to the new girl...

Jul 25, 2004 01:12

(as a side note, nice to see you again, Kharma!)

I'm Samantha, 22, from Minneapolis.

Been doing the mental health thing... forever, in one form or another. Formal therapy for about five or six years now. Current diagnosis depends on who you ask, apparently... my team of "professionals" haven't quite gotten it figured out.

Your options?
* Borderline Personality Disorder
* Major Depressive Disorder
* General Anxiety Disorder
* Combination Depression/Anxiety Disorder
* Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
* PTSD with SI tendancies
* Bi-Polar Disorder

Granted, I've never been given any form of evaluation other than talking to various therapists and reporting isolated groups of symptoms... so who really knows right now.

So, to deal with that, and after being hospitalized twice in about the last year or so, I'm currently in day treatment three hours a day, three times a week; seeing a social worker once a week; and my outpatient psychotherapist once a week. I'm also about to enter a chronic pain management program, for a condition that hasn't been quite diagnosed yet, and dealing with a potpourri of other physical and neurological conditions.

* * * * *

Likes: intelligence, honesty, integrity, psychology (particularly psychopathology), Law & Order, philosophy, ethics, art, crafts, music, design of any sort, French, computers, the smell of autumn in the Midwest, Diet Coke with real lime (not that flavoring stuff), silver jewelry.

Dislikes: liars, cheats, fakes, violence, pastel colors, being lactose intolerant, people who won't take responsibility for themselves, organized religion, the fact that Marshmellow Peeps aren't sold year-round, unfair judgement, assumptions, doing laundry, PeEpS wHo TyPe LiKe ThIs.

That's the quick and dirty version, anyway. Nice to be here.

*steps off the soapbox*

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