psychology is NOT a science. it's a religion.

Mar 24, 2005 19:28

My psychology professor loves to make these assignments where we accept personal responsibility for our lives. He loves those self-help seminars and their regurgitated booklets on how to become a more productive person by not being a victim any longer. Normally - I like this attitude - but I just can't complete this week's assignment.

Apparently - there's a program out of a nearby city which urges people to be Totally Responsible (tm). This includes accepting responsibility for everything that has ever happened in their lives. I take serious issue with this. I have no problem accepting 99% of the bad shit in my life. But as a neurotic - I absolutely refuse to complete an assignment which is attempting to tell me that it's my fault I was sexually abused as a child - even if I don't know what I did to cause it. I've spent too many years in therapy trying to get rid of that idea. I've spent too much time trying to function in this world for some college course to be causing me to freak out like this. If I could just stop accepting responsibility for things I can't control - I'd be much more stable. The problem is not that I'm a victim - the problem is that I'm to blame for everything.I don't know what to do about it either - I'm sick of it.

Is it acceptable to write a department head and say, "Look - this professor is assigning things that are blatantly contradicting my therapist and causing me to have emotional breakdowns?" Isn't this class supposed to help me, not break me? This is my second attempt at general psych. I hate this man.
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