Name: Ryo
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ:
ryoknightEmail: hrainwilson2@gmail.com
Timezone: EST (the best)
Other contact: AIM: Fullmetalfu
Characters already in the game:
umbrelladouche all_range_modeHow did you find us?: carrier pigeon
Character name: Professor Mordin Solus
Fandom: Mass Effect
Timeline: Mass Effect 2, after the loyalty mission is complete.
Age: roughly Late 20's- early 30's
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Mordin is a brilliant scientist and expert geneticist with extensive medical training, and is well versed in many different species. He has military/weapons training from his time in the salarian STG (Special Tasks Group: salarian espionage organization. Operate in independent cells. Carry out dangerous missions such as counter-terrorism, infiltration, reconnaissance, assassination, sabotage blah BLAH). As a salarian, he also possesses a photographic memory and an extremely high speed metabolism that allows him to function with as little as one hour of sleep per day.
He also has a knack for
How would they use their abilities?: For SCIENCE. And providing excellent health care to Thor's residents. Probably curing random ailments for fun. Don't know yet, haven't started playing.
Appearance: Salarians tend to be tall and lanky in appearance, having three fingers on each hand and long legs that sort of look like some sort of whack cross between human and
horse legs. Their chests appear sunken in and their heads are elongated and almost heart shaped, with large oval shaped eyes and flat amphibian like nostrils. They have wide mouths that are set rather low on their faces, and two cranial horns on top of their head. In Mordin's case, the left side of his face is scarred from battle damage, and his right cranial horn has been damaged. Salarian skin color varies greatly, from blues and grays to Mordin's white skin with pinkish markings.
But first a brief HERE'S WHAT SHIT IS lesson because it was just EASIER this way:
SALARIANS: The salarians are a race of warm-blooded amphibians native to the planet Sur'Kesh. Due to their hyperactive metabolism, they tend to do just about everything faster than say, your average human. They talk, think, and act at fucking light speed (well okay that's an exaggeration but still), and can function on only an hour or two of sleep every day. The salarians aren't terribly strong physically, so during times of war they prefer to employ espionage and preemptive strikes. The salarians believe that a war should be won before it begins, and strike before a declaration of war is ever made, usually ensuring victory.
Salarians are well known for their scientific advancements. Because of their crazy fast metabolism, they are always on the go, inventing, creating, modifying, developing tons of new shit. They are known for developing the genophage for use against the krogans during the Krogan Rebellions.
KROGAN/KROGAN REBELLIONS: The krogan are a race of large reptilian bipeds, and regard themselves as a race of proud warriors. The Krogan Rebellions took place after they defeated the rachni during the Rachni Wars (Bunch of giant alien bugs decided to go nuts and the salarians were all "hey krogans help us kill these bugs ok". Exciting). With the rachni threat gone, the krogan began multiplying and expanding, and ultimately became a threat to the galaxy. This was the beginning of the Krogan Rebellion.
GENOPHAGE: Since the krogans were now going apeshit with the whole multiplying rapidly and spreading out to other planets and colonies thing and threatening the galaxy, the salarians decided to neuter them, more or less. The Genpophage was a biological weapon developed by the salarians. It was deployed against the krogan during the Krogan Rebellion. It's purpose was to severely reduce the Krogan's numbers by infecting the species with a genetic mutation that prevented fetuses from fully developing, ending in stillbirth (if the fetus even developed that far).
REAPERS/COLLECTORS: The Reapers are a highly advanced machine race of synthetic/organic starships. Like Transformers, only evil and not very transformy. They basically left their technology laying around for other species to find and base their own developing technology on, thus ensuring these species would evolve along the Reapers desired path. Once the galaxy's sentient life has developed, the Reapers harvest them (a repeating cycle that has continued over countless millennia. Bad timing). The Collectors are tools of the Reapers. They're a race of creepy human-sized bipedal insects that have been off kidnapping humans from human colonies and shit for the Reapers.
BATMAN: nanananananana batman
Mordin was born (or. Hatched.) sometime in the 2150's. During his early years, he served on the salarian STG, or Special Tasks Group, where he and his team were studying Krogan population growths. When it was discovered that the Krogan were naturally overcoming the genophage. modifications were made to it, and Mordin's team was responsible for dispersing the modified genophage on Tuchanka, the krogan home-world. It was during one such mission that Mordin was injured, receiving damage to his face and right cranial horn.
By the time the mission was complete, Mordin's team went their separate ways. Though initially an avid supporter of the genophage modification project, Mordin was unable to come to terms with his work and it's impact on the krogans. He looked into religion, but found them to differ greatly and contradict each other, and ultimately went through a spiritual crisis, his worries left unresolved. Deciding to use his last decade for good, he took his ass to Omega, a lawless space station crawling with mercenaries and general no-goodniks, and set up his own clinic. There, he devoted himself to healing people. He pulled some strings with the STG and got his clinic some bitchin' security in the form of military grade mechs. He was perfectly comfortable with taking dangerous people out on his own as well.
In 2185, Mordin was approached by Captain Space Luffy Commander Shepard (the one with a penis, in this case 8|) and asked to join his pirate crew to help find One Piece fight the Collectors. Unfortunately, Mordin was a little preoccupied with trying to cure a plague that had been unleashed by the Collectors on Omega, and enlisted Shepard's aid in spreading the cure before he would be comfortable with leaving the space station. LONG STORY SHORT, the plague was cured, and Mordin left with Shepard to go save the galaxy and shit. And then they recruited a bunch of other weirdos.
At some point, Mordin received news that a former assistant of his named Maelon was on the krogan home world Tuchanka. Considering Maelon had helped modify the genophage, Mordin was understandably concerned for his safety. After asking for Shepard's assistance, they made their way to Tuchanka, and learned from Clan Urdnot that Maelon had been captured by Clan Weyrloc, and they were all bunkered down in an old hospital that had been converted into a krogan fortress. Mordin and Shepard (and random third party member idk I used Garrus 8|) fought their way through the hospital, discovering along the way that Clan Weyrloc was using Maelon to create a cure for the genophage (and then they wanted to conquer the galaxy because Clan Weyrloc is a bunch of assholes).
ANYWAY they found some dead test subjects along the way, one in particular was a female krogan who volunteered herself for testing, hoping to become fertile. It shook Mordin up, and reminded him of the lives he ruined through the genophage modification project. Meanwhile Shepard's sitting there going "look fuckhead you done fucked up". But nicer because my Shepard was super Paragon. Anyhow, after killing Chief Weyrloc Guld, Clan Weyrloc's overly talkitive leader, they found Maelon alive and unharmed, much to Mordin's relief. BUT UH OH, turns out Maelon hadn't been kidnapped after all! NOPE, the little fucker was helping the krogan of his own free will, which probably wouldn't have been so terrible had he not been using living test subjects, unintentionally killing them with his experiments. Despite Mordin's consequentialistic attitude towards pretty much everything, he's totally not cool with taking innocent life, or any life, in the name of science. To stop Maelon from pulling this shit, Mordin decides to kill him. BUT, Shepard stops him, insisting that Mordin isn't a murderer. So Mordin doesn't kill him (Because Shepard is always right), and Maelon is allowed to go free. After asking Mordin where the hell he's supposed to go now (like a whiny baby), Mordin suggests going to Omega because they "could always use another clinic".
Because of Shepard's help (and moral nagging) on Tuchanka, he gained Mordin's undying respect and loyalty.
So about that personality:
With most people, Mordin is cheerful and easy to get along with. He can be rather talkative, especially if the subject is a topic that interests him, though he's quick talking to the point of omitting words. He's almost always moving around and keeping himself busy. Salarians as a whole are constantly on the go and always seem to be doing things, talking fast, and thinking fast, as the species possesses an extremely high metabolism. Unfortunately, as a result of said high metabolism, their lifespans are rather short. Salarians over the age of 40 are extremely rare, and Mordin's pushing 30, if he hasn't already reached it.
He possesses a strong sense of duty, and will do whatever he deems necessary (whether it be morally questionable or not) to get the job done, and especially to ensure the safety and good health of innocent people and his crew mates. When it comes to his enemies, he has no problems dispatching them without a second thought. He justifies killing dangerous people as a way to help innocents.
Mordin has a consequentialistic view on life, believing the ends justify the means. He dislikes taking life without good cause, but if protecting an innocent life means setting up attack mechs outside his clinic to blow hostiles away, he'll fucking do it. He makes decisions based on impersonal logic, whether or not they could be considered morally ethical, and doesn't allow his emotions or conscious to influence his judgment of what he believes is truly best in the big picture. For example, He believed that by modifying the genophage to halt the Krogan's adaptation to it in order to control their numbers was necessary for stabilizing the population. He believed that, should the Krogan be allowed to breed freely, they'd end up going to war with the rest of the galaxy, and ultimately going extinct as the other traces wiped them out. In his own way, he believed that he was helping the krogan to survive.
He isn't fully comfortable with his actions in the past. Due to the fact that he is still struggling with the consequences of his work on the genophage, he has tried turning to religion, though hasn't settled on anything in particular. He does, however, believe in reincarnation, believing one can adapt and change in the next life
Why should that character be in this game: For OCs only. NOPE
Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only. NOPE
For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play: THIS Batman is actually CLARK KENT :O!
Have you read up on how the game works?:Guide plug in is Flaming Ferret. Refugees earn money through missions, jacking up 7-11's, and standing on corners wearing "will work for food" signs. Or whatever.
1st person sample:
[Greetings, residents of Thor. There is a bug eyed alien staring directly at you. Or, well, at the guide.]
Recording? Interesting. Multi-purpose device, may come in handy. Must familiarize with functions. In due time.
Hm... Broadcasting?
[he's cut off mid thought by a very bored sounding Vogon calling to the next person in line, which just so happens to be mister bug eyed alien. He steps forward, leaving the guide behind on whatever surface he'd been working on, and drops a huge arm full of paperwork on the Vogon's desk]
Paperwork filled out in full. Guide found to be useful. Towel, not so much. Regarding current predicament, asari joining with reaper? Unlikely. Highly Improbable. Information must be incorrect. Doesn't explain entire galaxy vanishing. Should be looked into. Also, require information on condition of Normandy SR-2. Specifically, crew status. Must have some information. Otherwise, doubt I'd be here.
[The Vogon stares for a moment, apparently having a hard time keeping up with this guy's fast talking. He shakes his head and starts fumbling around with the pile of paperwork that now sits in front of him]
I'm sorry, mister... [the Vogon pauses, looking at the top sheet from the paper stack] Sorry, Professor Solus. You'll have to fill out the necessary paperwork and submit it to the inquiry office.
[clearly impatient, "Professor Solus" starts pacing restlessly in front of the desk .]
More paperwork? No time! Urgent matters need attending, must have information immediately! Billions of lives at stake!
[The Vogon rolls his eyes, flicking his Vogon wrist in a dismissive fashion] You and everyone else. If you want more information, I suggest you shut up and fill out the paperwork.
[SUDDENLY, the professor ceases his pacing, placing both hands on the desk in front of the vogon.]
Making suggestions now? Suggesting immediate removal of cranium from excretory orifice. Good day.
[clearly annoyed, the ~Professor~ snatches up his towel and Guide and departs the new arrival's office, grumbling the whole way-]
Buffoonery. Incompetence. Easier to reason with vorcha.
[-before the feed auto ends]
3rd person sample:
As frustrating as his current predicament was, Mordin's anger over the matter had quickly subsided. The galaxy supposedly being destroyed was a real blow to one's pride, especially after everything Mordin and the others had gone through trying to save it. News that it was just gone was, for lack of a better word, devastating, but dwelling on it wouldn't help. Besides, salarians were good at getting over things quickly.
Of course, Mordin was worried about the rest of the crew (not to mention the entire galaxy). The vogons couldn't tell him anything about them, at least not without filling out a month's worth of paperwork. What salarian had time for something like that? Yes, immediate action definitely needed to be taken, but the professor knew that dwelling on what if's or sitting on his ass for a month slaving away over the "proper forms" wasn't going to get him any closer to finding real answers. At times like this, one must take action.
Unfortunately, that was easier said than done when one was in a completely unfamiliar place and had zero leads. There really weren't many actions he could take. No amount of hypothesizing or theorizing could have prepared him for this. At least for now, he was at a complete loss.
Still, one needed to start somewhere, and since they seemed to be the one's keeping everything in line on this space station, Mordin decided to start with the vogons. Whether or not it was actually relevant to finding out what happened, or just to satisfy his own morbid curiosity remained to be seen.
The new arrival's office seemed to be teeming with vogon. What better place to begin his studies than in there?
"One tissue sample, all that's asked. Very small, won't be missed."
"Back of the line, Professor."
"Procedure will only take a moment."
"I'm very busy, Professor-"
"Haven't lifted single sheet of paper for seven minutes, thirty two seconds."
"Are you stalking me?"
"Not stalking. Observing. Huge difference. Not a stalker." He paused, sniffing the air thoughtfully for a second, "Now, tissue sample?"
"No, you crazy bastard! Get lost before I call security!"
...Well, so far It wasn't going very well.
Questions?: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? god this would have looked better if I hadn't come down with JULY PLAGUE in the middle of it uuuuuuuuugh
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: yeah ok