This week's mission explores all the bizarre situations our favorite characters find themselves in while on: Away Missions: Weird Is Part of the Job! (Subtitle is a quote from Kathryn Janeway). Show us your favorite away mission moments!
Mission Specs:
* Entries must be original icons made for this challenge.
* No larger than 100x100 and 40K
* You may submit up to 2 entries.
* JPG and GIF formats only!
* Add any text, animation, textures, etc., that you'd like.
Need help finding screen caps? Try this
list of resources.
Submissions are due by 4pm CST (10pm GMT) on Thursday, April 10th. JPG and GIF formats only please!
As always, you have two ways to submit your entries:
* Via email: nz_submissionsATyahooDOTcom (if you submit this way, please remember to include your user name, and also please put "Neutral Zone," the week number, or the challenge title in the subject line).
* Via LJ comment: post your entry in a reply to this post. All comments will be screened, so only you and the moderators will be able to see your entry. If you're looking for web space in which to place your entries, there is a list of options on this community's
profile page. When you submit your entry, please be sure to include the image ["img src" tag] as well as its direct URL. If you don't know what an image tag is or how to use one, you can find directions
here. Your LJ submissions should look like this: Questions? Post them as a reply to this message (separate from your entry posts, please).
Remember to cast your votes in this week's
Leonard Nimoy poll!
Also, last call to cast your vote for
The Best of March - the poll closes tomorrow!