i've now learned the hebrew alphabet and a handful of other things relating to the kabbalistic tree of life, and in doing so, a funny thought struck me
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unbelievably, adrian belew is coming to bulli! to this intimate little pub venue! and i'm going to see him play there for $40 next thursday
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i've been doing work on schnolgo's gui lately and making pretty significant headway. having figured out most of the basics and a few of the not-so-basics with wxpython, i now have some of the layout components working. with a few more coding spurts, i'm confident that it will be possible to create a song from scratch and render it to midi, osc
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so, as the people reading my journal probably already know, in relatively recent times (the last 2-3 years) i've been considering the possibility that i have tourette's syndrome and some mild autism spectrum disorder. i've felt a little weird about self-diagnosis in both cases because it feels a little like i'm that guy who reads the "abnormal
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i've just come across a new (to me) scripting language that i think i might like. it's called "boo". uses microsoft's CLI (think .NET) to compile but has at least some of the enjoyable syntax of python. best of both worlds? no idea, i'm just scratching the surface now
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i decided to have a look at wxpython today for about the 50 billionth time. this is because i am yet again thinking about a gui for schnolgo. i decided i'd go through it all one step at a time, through a tutorial like a good boy
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yesterday i was over at mark's place playing a few games of chess and he had the radio on. it was abc talk radio and they were discussing the usa's economic bailout proposal. one guy made the statement that there was a study done about the great depression which showed that government intervention made things worse and 'the markets' were fixing
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figured i ought to make a little note here that i'm reading gravity's rainbow now for the first time and it's really having an impact. it's the kind of recommendation a lot of people give you. never did. the kenosha kid, on the other hand
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