Don't you worry baby, I'll be here by your side~

Apr 22, 2009 08:50

I'm bored as hell and have an exam in, like...three hours which I'm ready for, so in the meantime:


Request me anything (even porny stuff) from the list of fandoms below, and I'll write you a 100 word drabble for it. Lurkers, new people, it is a-okay for you to post! I'll fill whatever you want.

Accepted Fandoms

Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice
The World Ends With You
Persona 3 & 4
Final Fantasy (1-12)
Soul Calibur
Super Mario (all)
Chrono Trigger
Hotel Dusk/Another Code 'Trace Memory'
Legend of Zelda (all)
Resident Evil
Dragon Quest VIII
Earthbound/Mother 3
Soul Blazer trilogy
Plus anything else I might have forgotten about.

Go wild!

writing: drabble, fandom: phoenix wright, fandom: the world ends with you, fandom: apollo justice, fandom: resident evil, fandom: earthbound/mother 3, fandom: persona, things: roleplay

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