nickname meme

Mar 03, 2007 22:33

"borrowed" from wild_rhythm because i really should keep a list of all my nicknames. this post is more for me than anyone else, but it is public because i feel like i may have forgotten some.

What nicknames have you answered to over your lifetime?

roughly in the chronological order that i received them. roughly.

for the record, James is my actual first name, so it is strictly speaking not a nickname. that being said, some of you may have never heard this name used, ever, so i do, in fact, feel it necessary to list it here.

my middle name, Robin, is probably my most common nickname, as everyone who has known me forever and everyone who has known someone who has known me forever knows me as Robin. this, of course, can lead to some interesting confusions

i have a friend named Lee, and in middle school, he had a friend whose name i took months to learn. for months or years after i met him, even after i learned his name, we referred to each other as Lee's Friend.

TI is the name that was given to me by an asshole who i had both Algebra 2 and Precalc with. short for TI-83, TI was a name created to mock my mathematical nerdiness and apparent knowledge. i set a trend for the future by embracing the mocking nickname with open arms.

my internet aliases to which i am referred by people who i interact with primarily on the internets. most notable among these is of course Nevalkarion, but Grushdeva, Timmy the Spork, and Parakeet, have all been used, as well as all the abbreviations and other derivations of them, such as Nev, Neva, Neval, Nevalkar, Grush, Timmy, Spork, and Bird.

The Rubik's Ninja was a name i received from a fellow camper after he saw me complete a Rubik's cube. this name lasted for about two days before the session ended, and i don't think i've actually spoken with Bob-o since then, except when he was a counselor and that one time he took my order at a starbucks.

Robin of Fairfax is how a gaming buddy from Charlottesville refers to me. i'm pretty sure that he doesn't actually know my last name.

in my German class for a year of high school we were all given german names, and mine wound up being Sven. the following year, our teacher tried to learn our real names, but i insisted that he call me Jamesven instead of James. instead, he called me Svenjames and it drove me crazy, but i responded to it nevertheless.

at one point, a certain Lawson with whom i had a theatre class gave me a new nickname every week. The Great Avenger and The Guarantee are the only ones i remember liking and sticking.

"I liked the suitor with the blonde ponytail... and the Voice of Satan." 'nuff said.

my junior year of high school, there were several people who, independently of each other, decided that i didn't have nearly enough nicknames and the solution to that was to bestow upon me their own. Andre named me Jeeves, Miegel addressed me as Jimbo and Dina christened me Cocoa. in all three of these cases, the only person who referred to me as such were the people who gave me the nicknames.

like the three above, Spoof was a name that only one person used. i believe this person was trying to come up with a word that she felt sounds cool, but i never really liked the name because of the actual meaning of the word spoof. i still responded to it, though, if only on the internets.

one evening, i had a friend who i needed to talk to, but i wasn't able to be on the internets, so i left up an away message that said something to the effect of "hey, Feetface. i'm not going to be back until late, so could you call me or leave a number for me to call? even though i've never called you Feetface before, you should be able to figure out who you are based on the fact that i need to contact you." thereafter she and i called each other Feetface.

Guil, short for Guildenstern, was used briefly by the friend who i sometimes refer to as Rose or Rosencrantz. this derived from our making some weird philosophical connection with each other after reading Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.

when i took AP gov, my teacher was somehow aware that i was called both James and Robin, so she referred to me as James/Robin, but it didn't take her long to decide that it was more efficient to drop the James and the Robin, leaving only the /. everyone in my gov class that year called me Slash, and i still occasionally hear it when i run into people from there.

apparently, when two girls in SYNTCo asked me what my name was, i responded with inflection that sounded like Jaaaaames? thus, while i was involved with that theatre company, those two girls insisted on mimicking that inflection every time they addressed me. Jaaaames?

during my brief visit to the hospital this previous semester, one of my fellow inmates decided that my mannerisms were similar to that of a Professor, and thus referred to me as such.

given to me by a classmate in the VT theatre department in what i think is probably mockery of my exaggerated facial expressions, Face is the nickname by which the majority of my college classmates know me. hilarious when one considers how long i've been insisting that i don't have a face.

did i leave out any?
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