Silly Survey<3

Dec 22, 2004 16:55

These are always fun to read!

1. Boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes, Travis <3
2. Crush: Yahh.
3. Do you love anyone right now: Ohhh ^
4. Have you ever been in love: Depends..
5. Ever had sex: Ugh no!
6. How many hearts have you broken: I’m not sure.
7. How many people have broken your heart: None
8. So what's your significant other like: He’s sweet, funny, and fun to hang out with and someone you could talk to for ages!!
2. 9. Do you go more by looks or personality: Both I guess, but personality is more important.
1o. Ever kiss a friend: nopes
11. Are you still friends: well I said no, but whatev.
12. How about weed: no, that stuff smells disgusting..
13. Acid: no, not planning to either.
14. Ecstasy: nope
15. Crack, heroin, anything else: no, who ever does are idiots..
16. Are you a sissy who drinks Mike's hard lemonade and wine coolers: Oh wine coolers are good…
17. Prefer beer or liquor: neither
18. Last time you got some: Well I got these cool boots in NYC!
19. Bungee jump: Nope, but seems scary but also looks sweet.
2o. Skydive: Not really interested.
21. Swim with dolphins: Nah, that would be cool though, but I wouldn’t want to be eaten up by sharks..yahno.
22. Scuba dive: Nah but maybe one day!
24. Change your religion: I like the religion I got! I love you Jesus! Yeah yeah! ;]
25. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: Ugh no, why the hect would someone do that, idiots.
26. Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: Never. I already got a boy that’s a friend ;]
27. Lie to the police: Maybe, Haha! Depends what kinda trouble…
28. Run from the police: Nopes…thankgoodness..
29. Speed away from the police: lol
3o. Walk up to a total stranger and kiss them: no, but I would walk up to a stranger and talk to them, but not kiss them!!
31. Be an exotic dancer: Ugh, no they are normally sluts!
32. Streak: Nopes
33. Best friend(s): Shannon, Melissa, Travis, Jonathan, Ian and so on, I have many!
34. Known the longest: Shannon, I met her at a bowling alley!! Lol before 9th grade started! But maybe Melissa met her at the meters and greeterse swimming pool party <3
35. Wish you talked to more than you do: Yeah..
36. How many friends do you think you have: no idea
38. Who drives you insane: oh geeze, matt meiers! Lol
39. Ever lose a good friend because you took it to the next level: no
4o. Flashed someone: No.
41. Told the person you liked how you felt: yah
42. Gotten really REALLY wasted: nope =X
43. Skateboarded: Yah, im not that good. Someone teach me!.
44. Skinny dipped: nopes
45. Stolen anything from a store: nopes
46. Kissed someone of the same sex: HA
47. Been to a concert: yea
48. Been to another country: yehp, many times
49. Talked back to an adult: yah, that’s how I got grounded..
5o. Given money to some homeless person: yeah, a lot of times! I feel so bad for them :[
51. Tried to kill yourself: nope, and im not planning on it either! That’s stupid.
52. Cried to get out of trouble: Yea..don’t think it worked very well..
53. Kissed a friend's brother/sister: no
54. You ate: CHEESESE!
55. You drank: Root Beer
56. The last place you went: Grocery store, Giant!
57. Last thing you bought: A present for a friend.
58. Last person you saw: This guy I knew at Giant :P Brendan.
59. Last person you talked to online: Tyler
6o. Last person you hugged: My mom or dad, but becides them… Travis ;] Hehe
61. Last song you heard: Where are you Christmas - Faith Hill
63. Do the voices talk only to you: Oh yes.. that’s right haha!
64. Are you straight: Yeah.. Doh.
65. Are you short: Very short I am 5’1½, I always get made fun of, but whatev, short people rock!
66. Do you own a hot pink shirt: Yeah ;]
67. Do you like Marilyn Manson: Nope scary!
68. Did you ever touch someone else's no-no spot: ugh!! BOOTY!!

69. Do you shop at Hot Topic: A few times, I don’t think they like me, they give weird looks :[ So yeah..
7o. Do you remember your dreams: Yeah, a lot of times, I normally get de ja vu..
71. Can people read you like a book: Some people, Shannon can read my mind..hahaha
72. Do you talk a lot: I like to talk to those I know, but Im shy around those I don’t, well depends.. :]
73. Are you afraid of clowns: YES! Ever since I saw that movie IT.
74. Can you drive: Oh yah.
75. Are you an only child: Yeah I am an only child..most people say Im lucky, but it aint at all that great, it has its advantages.

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