Title: Somewhere Along The Way
never_chanFandom: Naruto
Ship: Ino/Shikamaru
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't Naruto or any of the characters.
Cross posted:
ino_collection Summary: He didn't know how it happened, but at some point he had fallen in love with her.
“You broke the rules, Shika” whispered Ino sadly as blue eyes turned to face him.
Nara Shikamaru found himself frozen under her stare, one that pierced through his body - nicking his heart
“Damnit, why did you have to make things complicated again!” snapped the blonde kunoichi, anger dwelling in her tone as her fists clenched by her side. “I’m happy now Shika… finally. Why did you have to ruin it?”
Her former teammate, for all his smarts could not provide her with an answer. Or at least one, both of them would like them to hear.
Which was odd, as this was a familiar road for all of them - one that team 10 found themselves traveling down against their will more than once.
Best friends, who did everything together - the InoShikaCho combination worked so well for a reason, because the members were as compatible with another it fit to a T.
And so brought the heartache, two years ago with Chouji and now him…
“Shikamaru…” Ino trailed off, her voice forgotten as he stepped forward, simply not caring anymore.
Pausing just a hairs breath away from the girl, he raised a worn and calloused hand to cup her chin gently within his grasp. Up close he could see the tears shining in her eyes that she fought so hard to keep at bay.
“I can’t help it Ino, reasons unapprehended- I love you” whispered the shinobi his forehead resting against hers. The reaction was instant; first her lip trembled before slim fingers moved with their own will to grasp the front of his vest
“Can’t you undo it?” asked the blonde helplessly and Shikamaru forced a choked laugh
“I wish I could, it would save so much trouble wouldn’t it?” he mused using the back of his thumb to brush away the first tear that dipped down her porcelain cheek
“Yeah and money too, for all the times I have to see a physiatrist that Tsunade-sama sends me too” whispered Ino, attempting a weak joke but it only brought more tears.
“I’m scared Shika…”
“Why?” despite himself, he couldn’t help but be curious. But when it came to Yamanaka Ino, many were.
Somewhere along the way, he didn't know how it happened, but at some point he had undoubtedly fallen in love with her.
But it shouldn’t have been like that at all, after all Shikamaru had been forced to work by her side since childhood, first due to their parents and then the third Hokage. It wasn’t any lie to say that Ino was bossy by nature and carried a bad attitude towards certain things. It should have been enough to put him off Ino - let alone girls for the rest of his life (she being quite the terror in their younger years) but beside himself, Shikamaru found himself falling for the kunoichi’s charms.
It made things, troublesome.
“Because I think I love you too” was her shy reply.
It was all the shadow user needed to hear as he dipped his head lower to capture her mouth with his, his free arm moving to wrap around her waist, inevitably drawing her closer to him.
They were only supposed to be teammates, nothing more.