Title: Strange As They Come
[Luna Collection - Ginny]
never_chanFandom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.
Summary: Luna certainly was strange.
See the rest of the Luna Collection
here Skipping down the stone corridors of Hogwarts, School of witchcraft and wizardry; the sixth year Ravenclaw sang delightfully as she passed her fellow peers.
“Loony, Loony, Loony, Loon!”
“Luna what on earth are you doing?” cried a startled Ginny Weasley as she turned the corner, nearly running straight into the said eccentric witch.
“Why singing, won’t you join me? All the other children have,” explained Luna as she looked briefly over her shoulder. Many people left in the blonde’s wake were seen whispering about her while cast dirty looks. Further down the corridor, you could even hear the Slytherins’ hooting laughter as rounds of ‘Loony Lovegood’ were chanted.
Ginny scowled darkly, opening her mouth to say something but Luna was already moving to pass her.
“Luna?” questioned Ginny as she caught the girl’s arm, turning her back around.
“Don’t worry Ginny. What they don’t know is that I’m secretly leading them all into ridding of the Trufflepliss. Lately there has been a rather large group of them hanging around the castle. At night they seem to be slipping into the mouths of students who snore,” explained Luna, concern apparent in her tone. Not waiting for Ginny to ask any questions, the witch shot into another detailed explanation on what exactly the creature in question was.
“They’re small winged creatures (though they can’t fly more than three feet off the ground) who like to make nests in your throat, giving many unfortunate witches and wizards a horrible case of the tickles. It’s common knowledge that one of the simplest ways to rid of them, is to sing loudly.” Stated Luna; a dreamy look cast over her features.
Sighing, Ginny let go, stepping out of the witch’s way. It was always best not to argue with Luna when she was convinced of purging the castle of mythical creatures. Even if her methods were sometimes a bit mad.
“I suppose I shan’t stop you then, good luck”
“Thanks,” grinned Luna before skipping off again. Ginny smiled faintly watching her; Luna truly was a strangest witch she had the pleasure of ever meeting.