Title: Of Broomsticks
never_chanFandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
Table/Theme: Table 2; #22 - Flying blind
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.
Written for:
5sentence_ficsRest of challenges
hereDraco was appalled when he found out Luna had never been on a broom before so as the seeker of the Slytherin team he found it his soul duty to teach her; and boy was he starting to regret it.
After sixteen tries, Luna had finally managed to get the broom to jump into her hand and now they were both seated on it, hovering a few feet above the ground.
‘Alright, just do as I say and we’ll - excuse me, I mean you’ll be fine,’ explained Draco before launching into simplistic instruction on how to maneuver the broom.
Luna looked ill, having one hand firmly bracing the broom handle and the rest of her body clinging just as tight, if not more to Draco himself (though he seemed to amuse her, by letting her continue on.) Not paying much attention to what the boy was saying, she squeezed her eyes closed tightly - just wishing to be on the ground; the next thing she felt was the wind on her face and Draco was screaming at the top of his lungs.