Title: Man’s best friend
never_chanFandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
Table/Theme: Table 2; #08 - Man’s best friend
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.
Written for:
5sentence_ficsRest of challenges
here‘Man’s best friend...’ mused Draco flipping through the still-pictured muggle children’s book idly (Yes muggle, it was a gift from someone or something - all Draco really cared to know was that the last time he was caught trying to get rid of it, he got an earful.)
Peering over her husband’s shoulder, Luna looked just as thoughtful as him; ‘I believe it would be a crumpled-horned snorlack or maybe a blimering humdinger.’
Looking from his wife to the book, Draco snorted before hastily closing it (having only been looking through it in boredom, while he ate his breakfast.) Already he could picture his wife sitting in the nursery, reading said book, while filling ridiculous thoughts into their children’s heads.
Screw that; when their child was born Draco would just buy him a dog.