Title: The Muggle Colour Changing Eye Illness
never_chanFandom: Harry Potter
Ship: Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood
Table/Theme: Table 2; #17 - Redeye
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.
Written for:
5sentence_ficsRest of the challenges
here ‘Looks like pinkeye,’ stated Luna with a ‘tut’; setting her wand aside.
‘Pink-what?’ scowled Draco Malfoy, sounding more appalled than confused - despite the fact he didn’t even know what this colour changing eye illness was.
‘It’s an infection in the eye - where it becomes irritated and red, muggles call it pinkeye,’ she said this all very simply but Draco looked like he had been told his death had approached.
‘Muggles?! I have a muggle disease?!’ squeaked Draco. Luna opened her mouth to reassure him that, like usual he was over reacting, but Draco was already out cold in a dead faint.