Title: New and Familiar
Characters: Eleven and Donna
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The BBC owns my life, darn it.
A/N: A post-regeneration drabble. Will no doubt end up being AU… but we can dream, right?
The Doctor gazed into the mirror and ran fingers through an unfamiliar curtain of thick hair. "Suppose I'd better find some new clothes, suit's a bit tight now…"
Oh. New voice. Did he like it? He squinted at his reflection. "Is my face weird? A bit… angular?"
Donna joined him at the mirror. "No! Quirky, maybe. Cute. Young… people will think I'm your mother."
He shrugged. "Big sister, perhaps. You okay?"
"I can remember everything. And I feel amazing. Thank you… Spaceman."
The Doctor smiled and took Donna's hand. She smiled back. They had lots of new memories to make.