Jan 28, 2019 15:45
Please use this post for:
¤ concerns about Frankie's characterization and/or activities within the game
¤ contact with the player
¤ plot ideas / interaction requests / et cetera!
I am [of course] not Frankie Dalton, nor am I Michael Dorman, nor do I claim any ownership over the characters, stories, or artwork used within this journal. I am a roleplayer, roleplaying, for fun and I make no money. Don't take things too seriously.
A Note On Icons; I know, not all of my icons are actually from the right movie. Given that Frankie's human in polychromatic and was a vampire for 90% of the movie, I'm a little limited in how much footage I can feasibly use for him. Not to mention, when I apped the film was still in theaters so I kind of needed to look elsewhere to fill out expressions and such. At this point I'm so used to the Suburban Mayhem icons that I've decided to keep a lot of them, though I've filled out his space with a lot more Daybreakers ones as well. I hope this doesn't confuse or bother anyone. For what it's worth I do think the SM ones are a good representation of what he'd look like now-- a little less clean-cut, a little more tan, not always perfectly shaven. Et cetera. So yeah. /rambles forever
That being said-- these icons were all made by me & you are welcome to use them; I would appreciate it if you credited me, and especially if you'd drop a note here to let me know!