whats your name? Tabitha VanDine
[x] how old? 16
[x] siblings? lil bro Tony, freshman
[x] their ages: 14
[x] female or male: me or him?
[x] birthday: Oct 19 88
[x] nationality: Dutch and Scottish. yes, thats where i get my red hair!!
[x] Birthplace: santa cruz
[x] Eye Color: blue gray
[x] Hair Color: red
[x] Righty or Lefty: righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: libra
[x] Innie or Outtie: like super innie
[x] The shoes you wore today: my moms fake uggs
[x] your eyes: umm...blue gray?
[x] Your fears: drowning, contaminated dairy products, and bungy jumping
[[-----------------YOU PREFER------------------]]
[x] Pepsi or coke: neither
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: taco bell
[x] Cappuccino or Coffee: theres a difference?
[[-----------------DO YOU------------------]]
[x] Smoke: nope
[x] Cuss: sometimes
[x] Take a shower everyday: like every other day
[x] Have a crush(es): yes
[x] Who are they: well i should hope it would be james
[x] Want to go to college: um i dunno
[x] Want to get married: if i find the right person
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yep. so much easier!
[x] Believe in yourself: it depends on what i am doing. like 60/40 i guess
[x] Get motion sickness: only if i read
[x] Think you're attractive: like a 6 or 7. average.
[x] Think you're a health freak: psh hell no
[x] Get along with your parents: yes, i get along with my parent. singular.
[x] Like thunderstorms: i love them and they make me sleep nice
[x] Play an instrument: piano, flute, guitar
[[-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------]]
[x] Flown on a plane: yep
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: that might have been one of my lame ass excuses, yes
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?:yeah
[x] Cried during a Movie?: oh yes
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: haha yeah
[x] Cut your hair: no never in my life have i cut my hair....maybe it meant like cut my own hair myself...im confused
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: lol MERLE!!!
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?:haha those are fun. yes.
[x] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: na
[x] Been caught "doing something": um way too many times
[x] Been called a tease: no. does that make me a slut?
[x] Gotten beaten up ?: naw
[x] notice first? hard to say
[x] have a BF/GF? yep
[x] any specific kind of guy/girl you into? yep!
[x] been rejected? oh yes
[x] ever rejected sumone? yeah
[x] broken someones heart? i dont think so
[x] ever been heart broken? yeah
[x] if so how many times? 4
[x] how many ppl of the opposite sex is in your buddy list on AIM right now? dont care
[x] been kissed recently?? you bet!
[x] Best eye color: i dunno theyre all nice
[x] Best hair color: same answer
[x] Best height: i like it all
[[-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------]]
[x] Number of drugs taken illegally: none
[x] Number of CDs that I own: i download
[x] Number of piercings:5 in ears, 1 in nose
[x] Number of tattoos: none....YET
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: a few
[x] Number of scars on my body: from my cats and falling and dumb stuff. im easily breakable
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: theres no point in wishing for do-overs and regretting things you can't change. if anything, you can at least gain some knowledge from the experience.
[x] Shampoo: whatevers on sale
[x] Fav Color(s): midnight blue
[x] Day/Night: NIGHT
[x] Summer/Winter: summer nights, winter days and nights
[x] Lace or Satin: lace is itchy. satin all the way baby
[x] Fave Cartoon Character: the mom on bobby's world. Dontchaknow?
[x]Fave Food: candy and grains
[x] Fave Movies: way too many
x] Fave sport: again, ballet should count as a sport!!
[[------------------RIGHT NOW------------------]]
[x] Drinking: safeway cola ew ew
[x] Thinking about: how long this thing is
[x] Listening to: the calling
: [[---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------]]
[x] Cried: nope
[x] Worn jeans: actually no
[x] Met someone new online: nope
[x] Done laundry: nope
[x] Drove a car: yes
[x] Talked on the phone: yes, although he almost fell asleep on me
[x] i love to____with people? fuck
[x] what are the last 4 digits of yur phone #? 3834
[x] what was the last thing you ate? ranch doritos
[x] the last person u talked on the phone with? james
[x] favorite drink? bottled root beer/cream soda
[x] the last movie that you saw? napoleon dymonite (shaunah bought it)
[x] hugs or kisses? both!
[x] what book are u readin? i am waiting for the sequel to Eragon to come out
[x] the loudest person you know: shaunah or jo. hard to decide.
[x] best friend: aah hard to decide: shaunah, james, jo, izzy
yeah so if any one read that, you are my hero and make me feel not as pathetic. i have pics to post but i will do it tomorrow or something, cuz i am tired. yes, i am aware it is like barely 830. but today was pretty fun, had TM and hung out with shaunah and james after school. thats pretty much it.