Title: Reunion
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Rhys, Gwen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Two
Disclaimer: I love the BBC, they own my life. But I don't own Torchwood.
Author's Note: A 100 word drabble continuing a certain scene in CoE: Day Two, proving you can fit horny Jack/Ianto into any situation.
Jack had barely managed to stumble into the back of the car before Ianto had his arms wrapped around him. "Thought I'd lost you," he muttered.
"Never," said Jack, grinning. He looked at Ianto appreciatively. "You look hot in construction gear," he said, admiringly.
Ianto smiled and leaned closer. "You look hot naked," he whispered, and kissed Jack deeply.
"Get a room," Rhys muttered, catching sight of them in the rear-view mirror.
"And for god's sake, cover up your thingy," screeched Gwen. "If I turn round and see you've got an exposed hard-on, Jack Harkness, I am going to vom…"