Title: The World is Always Ending
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Three
Rating: PG for mild swearing
A/N: A 100 word drabble: Ianto's angsty thoughts immediately following a certain conversation between him and Jack in Day Three.
I know Jack has a lot on his mind… but have I done something wrong? Yesterday, I could have lost him forever. He doesn't realise how hard it is for me, left behind. Worrying.
Christ, Jack. I might die today! In a century, will you remember what I look like? In a thousand years, will you remember me at all?
You have forever. But as far as I'm concerned, we only have now, and every second counts.
And what's his response? "I suppose". Great.
We can't even have any time alone.
And here comes Rhys' beans.
I bloody hate beans.
Torchwood: CoE - my drabble for Day One Torchwood: CoE - my drabble for Day Two