Title: Cloud 9
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: : PG
Spoilers: Children of Earth
Disclaimer: The BBC owns Torchwood. If it were me, I'd keep quiet about it these days.
A/N: A 100 word drabble, set post-CoE. Yes, really. No, it's not AU. Um… well, maybe it is, I don't know. Pure, unadulterated fluff, with a hint of… fantasy? *Shrugs*
Jack moaned as Ianto's lips pressed against his for just a few more precious seconds. He pulled away reluctantly. "Nearly daybreak. You should go."
Ianto traced Jack's cheekbone. "Don't know what they'd do if they knew I was here," he sighed. "But I just can't quit you."
"Glad to hear it," Jack murmured. "See you tonight?"
"I'll try," Ianto said, and stepped away. He raised his eyes heavenward as magnificent feathered wings unfurled from his back.
"You look hot in white, Ianto Jones," called Jack, bathed in the light emanating from his ascending, eternal lover.
Jack smiled. Impressive wingspan, too.