Name: Kozato Enma
Faction: Witches
Role: Modified Witch (two-star meister)
There's nothing to let go;
For the first five years following Spirit Albarn's death, Enma continued to reside in Death City, working alongside Shibusen with a number of different weapon partners. During these years, he was able to rise to the rank of a two-star meister, though this came about due to necessity and nothing more. Yes, this was war, and yes, Enma found himself fighting in it, but his trust in Shibusen and Death City's residents remained paper-thin; Shibusen's cause had taken away his most immediate opportunities to exact revenge on the Vongola and forced him to abandon his own goals, a fact he never was able to come to terms with.
Despite the number of friendships he was able to forge as a guest and meister with Shibusen, Enma's patience with the situation at a whole became brittle after the first five years. Morale was slipping, the madness was spreading quickly, and it had become clear that before long, the Witches would be the victors in this war. Finally, in a knee-jerk decision, Enma packed a few of his things, penned a vague letter to his friends and neighbors, and left for the witches' factory late one night.
Only time will let you know if you're worth anything;
Enma's soul luck had saved him countless times during his years fighting for Shibusen -- he had little else but vague experience and a keen sense of when to run to protect him. Luck, however, wasn't able to help him much after he arrived at the Witches' factories. The stark truth of the matter was that while he was able to survive, Enma brought no useful information, proved to be of little utility in battle, and couldn't even offer the Witches a steadfast vow of loyalty; branded useless, it was only a matter of time before he was forced into the witches' experiments. If he couldn't be a worthy ally via his own merit, then the least they could do was harness the fighting potential and the aggressive frustration that was slowly building up within the boy.
As would be expected, the next few months were far from kind to Enma. Along with the painful, exhaustive experimentation regimen came numerous nights spent alone in his cell, nursing an already battered ego and fostering a dangerous amount of anger not only towards Shibusen, but now towards the Witches as well. But his situation wasn't without a measure of good. Enma emerged from the labs as a newly modified witch, and despite his shock both at his new magic and his inability to physically disobey his superiors, his new powers (some of them reflections of the Dying Will potential that BREW stripped him of several years prior) proved no less than thrilling.
The world looks better when you're falling;
Though he remained distrustful of the witches and their allies, it didn't take long for Enma to settle in to his role as one of their slaves. Old friends from Shibusen who met him in a fight were confronted with a person very different from the quiet, shy boy who first appeared in Death City. There was little the witches commanded him to do that Enma didn't find some form of sick pleasure in, and, seemingly drunk off of power, he regards members of Shibusen and the CWC with a cold, haughty demeanor, and will sometimes stoop to mocking old friends (hi Kazu) if the opportunity presents itself.
But make no mistake, there is plenty of the "old" Enma left within him. Amongst the witches, he still carries himself with his usual shy, gloomy demeanor, and when unprovoked, shows relatively few signs of acting out against his superiors. Perhaps due to old habits of mafia loyality, he's become noticably protective of other modified witches, particularly those who didn't welcome their modifications the way he did, like Namine, Dawn, Sakura, and his current Partner, Spitfire. When provoked, either by outside forces or by their own superiors, he's developed a tendency to step in front of these people and exhibit the same sort of aggressive behavior that he does while on the battlefield.
TimelineJune, 2019Enma
goes absolutely apeshit on RhodeSeptember 9, 2019
Restless, Enma tends to a prior injury and not-so-quietly hopes that recent developments in Shibusen and the CWC give rise to more conflict.