[Nimueh is a creature of the Old Religion. It's in her blood, her very life essense. Whenever things get too confusing or complicated, she turns to the Old Religion for perspective and understanding.
Now is one of those times.
She starts with numerology, calculating the vibrations affecting her life. She starts from scratch, as the year here is greatly different from the year at home.
This is the year for new beginnings, for new starts, for new ideas, for anything new. It is a time to plant, to sow seeds. Seeds planted this year will have an effect on the next eight years. Remember, seeds do not come up overnight. They must first germinate and take root. Develop a plan for what you want in this nine-year cycle, and begin to work on it now. Be careful, and push forward with determination. Take control. Look to yourself rather than partnership or unions. During this time period, independence and self-promotion have a strong influence. Lay your grandwork now. Stay busy and keep things moving. This is your year to pioneer and break new ground.
New beginnings. Being here is certainly a new beginning. She thinks of Maeve, Ishiah, Castiel...of Peter, and the wreath of flowers in her cave. Something new.
She calculates the month.
It's a time for completion and fulfillment. The garden is finished for this cycle, yet some of the crops continue to produce. This is the month of spring-cleaning. Get into the corners. Review everything and toss out all that is no longer useful in your life -- people, places, ideas, and things. If it's finished, let it go. Don't hang on. Many things will pass out of your life this month. Bless them and release them. You are making room for new things this month. There is much happiness around you. This is a month for endings. Do not begin new things. Don't look for new personal love affairs now; they won't last. Enjoy the artistic part of life. Take a long trip and learn about others. Give away. Give to others. Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving. Love must be shared with all. Really understand the kinship of everyone on this planet. The old cycle closes. Make ready for the new one next month.
This gives Nimueh pause. She has never been one for spring cleaning. She has always been something of a packrat, clinging onto possessions, memories, grudges... especially after Uther's betrayal. After all this time, this effort, this suffering, it can't really be time to let go of her revenge. It cannot be time to truly forgive.
And yet, are the curses not directing her to do so as well? It cannot be coincidence that this is the reading she gets in the same month that the City cursed her to forgive Arthur Pendragon. The idea does not sit comfortably with her.
She calculates the day.
Be alone, at least for part of the day. Be still. Read. Think. Listen to your inner soul. Drop the business world. If you pursue money today, it will run from you. If you keep still and wait, things will come to you. Study something spiritual or scientific. If you read the scriptures, choose Matthew 6 on this day. Work with your plants. Take a long walk or drive in the country. The number 7 always reveals something. Meditate. Be open.
Solitude. Contemplation. Yes, this would be a good day for that. She needs time to process what she has discovered, to understand herself and what needs to be done.
She had planned to work with her cards, but the numbers have shaken her too badly. She needs to settle her spirit before she calls on her cards, lest she muddy her reading.
She takes herself to the shore, hoping that the waves will wash away her disquiet.]
[ooc: Did the numerology myself, based off of Michelle Ryan's birthday and using the book Colors & Numbers by Louise L. Nay. The quotes aren't IC -- Nimueh is working off her own understanding of what the numbers mean; the quotes are for your understanding and teh lulz. Funny how everything works out, isn't it? :D
Also, action for anyone who wants to run into her. :3]