End of Time part one thoughts...
I happened to catch Waters of Mars right before and all I could think of was Donna's "you need someone to stop you" I know people were upset with the Doctor in WOM, but really who wouldn't eventually snap and break the rules? (what I couldn't understand was the suicide)
And so onto End of Time
Loved the Doctor's scenes with Wilf, and cried in the cafe, both for the Doctor and Wilf's concern for Donna. The comments on settling were very moving, I wondered if the Doctor was talking about missing Donna or thinking of Rose with clone Doctor. The settling seems to be a theme with RTD, Rose and Mickey (then Rose and doctor double) Gwen and Rhys (at least he's presented as such in the first season) and Donna's first return to normal life in season 3
I didn't care for the resurrection, I assume it was planned for the Master to return (with the ring and all) seems it would of been better thought out. or not as much time on it as wtf as it was (book of Saxon?) but we had to get him back so whatever.. thats all good
Most compelling point - Did the time lords plant the drum beats in the Masters head? I guess I do find him a bit sympathetic esp with his glee at finding out the Doctor could hear something in his head. How did it get there? And how different is the Doctor from the rest of his kind like Woah, we knew he ran away and stole the Tardis, after seeing the Master maybe he ran away just in time. So yeah, I've become a sucker for their relationship (while trying not to perve over the red collar and lead *gah*) I know they are probably doing a Hanibal Lector thing but Sims is just so cute, the effect might not be what was intended.
I'm really torn here because I do think having much of this Time Lord history, remain an enigma is best for the mythology of it all (I do love finding out little bits here and there, like back in the Utopia series when Jack says Galfery sounds so perfect in stories, which is just what we were thinking then we get the little glimpse into what made the Master go mad.
the multiple Masters made me giggle with glee (only multiple Jack's could of made me grin bigger) I have no clue as to the plot/point of it but fun it was! Just when I was disliking Obama being in the episode that happens *giggles more* I have no idea why Obama threw me out of the episode but it did, just seemed so out of place. (I do like Obama btw!) It does seem like they were using the nano gene idea on the healing and replication .. but since that's one of my all time favorite episodes I'll let it slide :) But am I correct in thinking they are all time lords now? Two hearts, regeneration? or are they flawed like the original Master/skeletor?
As you can tell I'm having way to much fun with this, a pretty low stress episode knowing we got to keep Tennant through the end! I'll be on pins and needles next week, both for the Doctor but also Donna. I had tears in my eyes when she remembered and crumbled. I adore her!
I'd love any comments .. and I don't expect you to agree with me!