Where: Room of Requirement and Hall Outside
What: Smut, boysex and swearing
Who: Antonin and Damien (initially I guess anyone can post initially... but once inside the room... its closed)
Why: ...not
Damien arrived at two minutes to six (according to his watch). He was nervous again, meeting the boy for a second time... Was exciting and at the same time scary as hell. He wasn't sure if he should open up the room or see what Antonin wanted. He checked his watch, it had gone six. Maybe he wasn't interested - typical bloody Slytherins. Cockteasers. Wait... Jack is one as well. Men. That's the one. Fucking men. He paced some more in case he was just running late. The clock went to five-past, ten-past, and at quarter-past; Damien had had it. He turned to leave when he saw a shadow ascending up the stairs.