"Never give up, but don't let it wear out your love."
-Backstreet Boys
CB.TV 06! I think what's really interesting about this is how completely open he seems. Strify always seems to put a lot of intent in his words - this is how I want the world to see me; this is how I want to inspire people, this is who I am. But it just seemed to be that last part - him - in this video, minus the intent. I have so much love for these guys, and I really hope they achieve exactly what they want to.
+Living drama freeeee~!
+Blaqk Audio!
+The perfect song on an amazing mix coming up exactly when it's supposed to. Dear Universe, I love your timing. <3
+Knowing songs I had no idea I knew
+"Pisces rules the feet, so they walk easily in the shoes of others." Yesyesyes, this is the most perfectly I've ever heard that phrased. Articulation = so, so much love.
+The phrase "just yet".
"I Came 2 Party"! I love this so much. Reason they inspire me number ten billion: I came to party; you came to party, so get off your butt, stop being shy, and do it! Obviously, they don't actually say that, but it's part of what I get from the song, whether it was intentionally put in there or not.
+Having a computer again! This is such exquisite bliss; unless you are my mother, you have no idea. If you are my mother, I luuuuuuuuuurve youuuuuuu.
CB.TV 07! It's cool to just see them being happy and normal. (And I'm more than amused that posting this late means two of these videos, which I adore adore adore.)
+The Cinema Bizarre concert in Vienna earlier in the week! It was so awesome; whoever had the camera had a really great camera; it was a really good quality series of videos and you could just hear the crowd screaming and tell how into the show they were; it was so awesome. And Strify was seriously electric, and you could hear the instrumentation so well, and the last song they played was "Lovesongs (They Kill Me), which is one of my favorites, and they did this totally awesome thing at the end where Romeo (keyboards), Kiro (bass), and Yu (guitar) all came out from behind their instruments and stood at the front of the stage with Strify, the vocalist, while he carried on singing the chorus over & over and Shin (percussion!) did this really awesome beat, and you could hear the crowd singing along so loud; it was so great. And then Shin came out from behind his kit and Strify sang the chorus through one last time and they all did this super-cute bow thing. It just left me so shiny and happy and full of a really electric jubilance, like I'd been there.
+Not wanting what I can't have any more. ...Okay, maybe a little, but we're going to ignore that, mmkay?
+Finding one of last summer's mixtapes. Why, yes, I do love the Backstreet Boys & discovered them at fifteen & made a whole mixtape of just their songs; why do you ask?