Seven Interests Meme!

Feb 13, 2010 16:30

"Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along."

via exponible

Cocktail personalities! This is from an episode of Law and Order: SVU. Dr. Huang was talking to a serial killer/gold-digger who ran around just playing the part, telling everybody what she thought they wanted to hear. And he said she had a cocktail personalities. Not only am I way into crime shows, I'm also interested in psychology, and I think Dr. Huang is really rad (he and Fin are my favorite characters on SVU), and I think it's just a really rad mental image. And I identify with it on a lot of levels - just not the psychotic killer ones. In some ways, I think I give into people too easily, and I feel bad that sometimes I don't speak up for myself or I deny liking something just because I think it would make them happier. So it's mostly a combination of thinking it's an interesting concept, a cool term, and identifying with it.

Pseudo-eighties slang! Rad! Ace! Stone-cold fox! My eighties mix! ...It just sort of fell into my vocabulary. Well, no. I adopted it because I think it's rad. And I am interested in acquiring more of this amusing business.

Fierce political debates! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee politics! I'm all into politics with my feminism and idealism and liberalism, and I really like talking about my ideals with people - and a lot of my ideals can be found in politics, especially the ones like "equality for everybody", "SAVE THE TREEEEES", "education for allllll!" Plus I really like arguing. I think it's funsies and it's a good exercise for my brain and my opinions.

Coffee shop ideals! This one comes from one of my favorite books, Stay With Me by Garret Freymann-Weyr. The main character, Leila, is thinking about where she wants to end up - in a coffee shop, with someone she's passionate about sitting across from her, with a desert on her plate, and a book that's hard but that she understands in her bag. And I want that. I want that a lot. And it's in that coffee shop where she ends up. Eamon asks her what she wants him to say. And she says, "Stay with me." He replies, "Stay with you?" And she says, "No, you got the pronoun wrong." And I want that. (And I identify with Stay With Me a lot.)

Business noir! This is how I used to dress. My style has evolved, but there are still elements here and there. Plus I think it's a rad concept; it puts a fantastic image in my head - black and white, a woman, elegantly bent, all angles and shadows and sharpness and smoke and very high heels.

Deliberately flouting convention! Wheeeee! This comes from another one of my favorite books, A College of Magics by Caroline Stevermer. Faris, the main character, is in her etiquette class, and she doesn't understand why she has to point her toes, and she can never do it right. And she becomes so self-conscious that, by the end of every class, her hands shake. And, one day:Faris moved her head aside. Very distinctly, she said, "Deportment is a sterile discipline. Habit built on superstition."

"Criticize it if you please. You are still no good at it."

"There's nothing to be good at. It's just an arbitrary set of standards. Why should I waste my time learning to point my toes in a way that went out of fashion three hundred years ago? Why shouldn't I set my own fashions?"

"You must form your own fashions in a way which demonstrates that you flout the standards from knowledge, not from ignorance," replied Dame Brachet. "When you leave Greenlaw College, you may or may not be able to practice magic. That is a matter of talent and skill. But you will certainly be a witch of Greenlaw, and that station in the world carries expectations with it. You will be expected to speak with those of high degree and to speak fair to high and low. Your manner will be as vital as your matter, and in some sad cases, your matter will not amount to much. So you had better learn a matter to make up for your other shortcomings."

From the first words, Faris followed this speech with eyes narrowed. "But I may flout the standards?"

"Of course," said Dame Brachet, with some asperity. "What do you think standards are for? Now drop your elbows and tuck your chin. Very good, Faris. Now point your toe."

From that day, Faris's hands shook no more.

Ridiculous biorhythms! Ahahaha, I keep accidentally going nocturnal when I have a long time - or even four days - off of school. And, for a really long time last year, I slept for about seven hours when I got home from school, and then I got up and procrastinated/worked all night long.

books, meme

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