Title: The Cure
Pairing: Logan/Marie, Wolverine/Rogue
Genre: Drama. Some angst.
Summary: Rogue gets the cure and has to make a big change. The only thing she doesn't
expect though, is Logan refusing to let her go.
Notes: Set after X-Men: The Last Stand.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or X-Men at all. I simply just drool over Logan
and root for
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Comments 13
Not many people write companion pieces to the third movie. I think they get pissed off that Rogue gave up her powers, but I believe you did an excellent job explaining her motives. I like how you stuck with canon but also managed to slant it Rogue/Wolverine. Thanks for sharing.
I was very disappointed with the way they ended things in the third movie in general (taking away Mystique's power is a NO for me,) but I wanted to put some kind of positive spin on it and show how hard it must have been for Rogue to deal with these powers and still try to have normal relationships. I couldn't even imagine the loneliness. Thanks for the review!
They are leaving the same way they started: together. Wish the movie ended the same way.
Thanks so much again for the review!
((Though if you pay attention to the third movie, at the end, it is explicit that the cure is not permanent. I think that would also make for a very cool other one shot in continuation for this. Hehehe...hint hint!))
I also miss House/Cameron. I miss that show being good. I still watch it for the occasional glimpse of what made it so good, but these are becoming rare.
Anyways, thanks again for the review!
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