Fanfiction: The Pain of Missing Limbs (Assassin's Creed)

Feb 18, 2015 16:20

Title: "The Pain of Missing Limbs"
Status: Complete
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Malik Al-Sayf/Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Disclaimer: Copyright at Ubisoft. No infringement intended.
Rating: T
Genre: AU, pre-slash, friendship, H/C
Warning: none
Note: Continued in " Like Honey in Water."
Summary: The pain was near tangible today...

The Pain of Missing Limbs

The wall was warm against his back. The hours of stark sunlight it had soaked up seeped through fabric and deeper, soothing knotted muscles. Malik had spent too many hours bent over his maps; blotches of ink stained his woolen djellaba.

He inhaled, the scents of the city and the desert familiar to him. The fragrance of jasmine was especially strong at noon, sweet alongside unwashed skin and the spices laid out at the bazaar's stalls.

The pain was near tangible today, settling over him like sandy dust, weighing on his mind and mood. It breathed with him, kept pace with his heartbeat, and dulled whatever his eyes saw. A hot breeze stirred the empty sleeve where his left arm should be. It was a symbol he bore: a hole had been cut into his life, something precious ripped out of his grasp.

"Kadar," he said it softly, towards the blue sky, where few clouds scudded along.

It was then that a shadow fell over him. Where the pain would have once sharpened to the edge of an obsidian blade it now mellowed. Malik felt a smile tug at his lips, ruining the severity of his mien in the face of Altaïr's return.

"Safety and peace, brother."

The End

genre: pre-slash, character: altaïr, type: ficlet/drabble, status: complete, rating: k, character: malik, genre: gen, fandom: assassin's creed, genre: family/friendship, genre: h/c

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